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Radiology of postoperative period in patients with orbital trauma
01.01.2018 |
Pavlova O.
Serova N.
Davydov D.
Shilova M.
Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology |
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© 2018 Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology.All right reserved. Purpose: To assess the possibilities of radiology diagnostics in patients with orbital trauma in postoperative period. Materials and methods: From 2015 to 2018 years in the clinic of Sechenov University 72 patients (100%) with traumatic injuries were examined. All patients (n = 72, 100%) were diagnosed with orbital trauma. After the admission all patients (n = 72, 100%) underwent multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) before and after the operation using Toshiba Aquilion One 640 modality, volume mode, slice thickness - 0.5 mm, bone and soft tissue reconstruction. Results: According to MSCT data in postoperative period with orbital volumes were reconstructed and symmetrical compared to the other side in 48 patients (64%). In 24 cases (33%) orbital volumes weren't reconstructed with remaining prolapse of orbital soft tissue structures in the maxillary sinus through the inferior orbital wall defect. Insufficient implantation of the inferior orbital wall prosthesis occurred in 7 patients (10%). Conclusion: MSCT is a method of choice in examining the patients with injuries of the midface. Computed tomography allows detailed determination of performed surgical treatment, to reveal the risk of postoperative complications and assess the dynamic of a patient in late periods.
Necrotizing infection of soft tissues as the complication of perforating tumor of sigmoid colon
01.01.2018 |
Lipatov K.
Komarova E.
Borodin A.
Struchkov Y.
Frolkov V.
Kirillin A.
Kiryupina M.
Novosti Khirurgii |
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© 2018 Vitebsk State Medical University. All rights reserved. This clinical case demonstrates the development of severe streptococcal (Streptococcus pyogenes) necrotizing soft tissue infection as a result of perforation of the sigmoid neoplasm. The rapidly progressive necrotic process in the soft tissues of the lumbar and gluteal region as well as necrotic process in the left thigh (with the predominant lesion of the superficial fascia, subcutaneous fat and skin) led to the formation of an extensive postnecrectomic wound defect with an area of more than 1000 square centimeters. In addition to the severity of illness, the patient's belated treatment and the underestimation of the clinical situation by surgeons who provided emergency care contributed to such an extensive spread of the pathological process. The development of sepsis was accompanied by severe multiple organ failure. Because of the severity of the patient's condition, the surgical removal of the sigmoid neoplasm extended in the abdomen wall became possible only after its stabilization as a result of surgical focal sanation and complex intensive therapy in the conditions of the ICU. The most important point of the stage-by-stage surgical treatment was the choice of methods for the plastic closure of an extensive postnecrectomic wound that involved the entire left gluteal region, part of the lumbar and antero-inner surface of the left thigh. Taking into account the size and localization of the defect, the plastic reserves of the surrounding skin, the wound was closed in three stages with the help of combined plastic surgery techniques: with local tissues by the method of tissue expansion and a split-thickness skin graft.
A potential of terahertz solid immersion microscopy for visualizing sub-wavelength-scale tissue spheroids
01.01.2018 |
Chernomyrdin N.
Kucheryavenko A.
Kolontaeva G.
Katyba G.
Karalkin P.
Parfenov V.
Gryadunova A.
Norkin N.
Smolyanskaya O.
Minin O.
Minin I.
Karasik V.
Zaytsev K.
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering |
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© COPYRIGHT SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only. We have developed a method of the terahertz (THz) solid immersion microscopy for the reflection-mode imaging of soft biological tissues. It relies on the use of the solid immersion lens (SIL), which employs the electromagnetic wave focusing into the evanescent-field volume (i.e. at a small distance behind the medium possessing high refractive index) and yields reduction in the dimensions of the THz beam caustic. We have assembled an experimental setup using a backward-wave oscillator, as a source of the continuous-wave THz radiation featuring λ= 500 μm, a Golay cell, as a detector of the THz wave intensity, and a THz SIL comprised of a wide-aperture aspherical singlet, a truncated sphere and a thin scanning windows. The truncated sphere and the scanning window are made of high-resistivity float-zone silicon and form a unitary optical element mounted in front of the object plane for the resolution enhancement. The truncated sphere is rigidly fixed, while the scanning window moves in lateral directions, allowing for handling and visualizing the soft tissues. We have applied the experimental setup for imaging of a razor blade to demonstrate the advanced 0:2λ resolution of the proposed imaging arrangement. Finally, we have performed imaging of sub-wavelength-scale tissue spheroids to highlight potential of the THz solid immersion microscopy in biology and medicine.