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Multispectral imaging technique for skin grafts' functional state assessment
01.01.2018 |
Makarov V.
Pominova D.
Ryabova A.
Saveleva T.
Ignateva I.
Reshetov I.
Loschenov V.
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering |
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© COPYRIGHT SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only. The development of express method for assessing the state of skin graft by the spectroscopic properties of tissue components involved in the healing of the affected skin or healing of skin grafts was carried out in present work. The proposed method for assessing the state of the skin by the spectroscopic properties of tissue components (using photosensitizers, fluorescent dyes (methylene blue and IcG) and nanophotosensitizers aluminum phthalocyanine nanoparticles (NP-AlPc) applied locally) will evaluate the physiological condition of the skin and assess the degree and rate of engraftment or rejection while also controlling several biochemical and physiological parameters in the entire graft, or the whole area of the skin lesions. Such parameters include the oxygenation of hemoglobin in the tissue microvasculature; the blood supply level; blood flow and lymph flow; assessment of intracellular metabolism; assessment of the cellular respiration type (aerobic/anaerobic).To assess the extent of inflammation the spectrally sensitive to biological environment nanoparticles of aluminum phthalocyanine (NP-AlPc) were also used.