Performance and comparison of the London Atlas technique and Cameriere's third molar maturity index (I<inf>3M</inf>) for allocating individuals below or above the threshold of 18 years
01.12.2020 |
Correia A.d.M.
Barbosa D.d.S.
Alcantara J.A.d.S.
Oliveira P.M.d.C.
Silva P.G.d.B.
Franco A.
Bezerra T.P.
Forensic Science International |
10.1016/j.forsciint.2020.110512 |
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© 2020 Age estimation is an important procedure in the forensic practice, especially when it comes to the criminal imputability of juvenile offenders. This study aimed to compare two radiographic methods for dental age estimation in a population of subadults from Northeast Brazil considering their performance on allocating individuals below or above the age threshold of 18 years. A cross-sectional observational study was designed. The sample consisted of 1200 panoramic radiographs of Northeastern Brazilian females (n = 600) and males (n = 600) aged between 16 and 21 years. Dental age estimation was performed using the London Atas technique and Cameriere's third molar maturity index (I3M). Statistical tests were performed to assess the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the two methods on distinguishing individuals below or above the legal age threshold of 18 years. Considering the total sample, the London Atlas technique reached sensitivity of 92.3%, specificity of 56% and accuracy of 79.9%. I3M revealed sensitivity of 94.1%, specificity of 55.4% and accuracy of 79.8%. Specificity rates systematically decreased when the sample was progressively stratified based on age groups that narrowed close to 18 years. The methods performed very similar (0.878). The combination of methods did not improve the performance on dental age estimation. The London Atlas and the I3M methods similarly distinguished Brazilian individuals as minors or not. Their performance, however, was suboptimal because of the low rates of specificity that could negatively influence on Court decisions. In other words, the methods could wrongly classify minors into the age of legal majority (culminating in false positives). In practice, the misleading classification could restrict individual rights (in the civil scenario) or even support more severe penalties (in the criminal scenario).
About stem cell research in dentistry: Many doubts and too many pitfalls still affect the regenerative dentistry
20.10.2018 |
Tatullo M.
International Journal of Medical Sciences |
3 |
© Ivyspring International Publisher. Stem cells (SCs) research is one of the most promising approaches to regenerative medicine. Our understanding of SCs biology and their potential role in tissue repairing has notably increased during the last few years. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are present in almost all human tissues, including oral and dental tissues (dental-derived stem cells or DDSCs). Despite many doubts and too many pitfalls still affect regenerative dentistry; however, it represents an exciting challenge for the next generations of young dentists. Educating and training in regenerative medicine the new generation of researchers is of utmost importance, albeit often underestimated: regenerative dentistry represents a big opportunity for the next generations of researchers and clinicians, and this review report underlines that dental schools should pay more attention to teachings of strategic subjects, such as cell biology, molecular biology and tissue engineering.
Training of dentists in public healthcare in accordance with professional standards
01.01.2018 |
Tregubov V.
Kuznetsova M.
Orlova A.
Stomatologiia |
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For the purpose of studying the possibility of labor functions development for public health and healthcare during training in the educational organizations the comparative analysis of provisions of the professional standard with the materials stated in textbooks and national manuals of the corresponding profile was carried out. It was found that in the development of Federal state educational standards of higher education in dentistry (specialization level), updating educational methodological publications on dentistry and public health, the formation of a unified database of evaluation tools for accreditation of specialists and obtaining or confirming qualification categories, it is necessary to take into account the content of labor functions of the professional standard in each discipline.
Selecting clinical and laboratory methods of manufacture of orthopaedic titanium alloy structures using a biopotentiometer
01.01.2018 |
Yumashev A.
Utyuzh A.
Mikhailova M.
Samusenkov V.
Volchkova I.
Current Science |
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©. 2018, Current Science Association, Bengaluru. All Rights Reserved. The present communication aims at determining an optimum method of manufacture of orthopaedic arch titanium alloy dentures that would not cause galvanosis in patients using such dentures. A clinical randomized controlled retrospective study was conducted. Sixty patients who used arch titanium alloy dentures were examined. Three measurements of electrochemical potentials in various areas of the oral cavity were done in all patients, using a biopotentiometer. Linear prediction of differences in potentials in measurement areas 1-3 for the control group (CG) of patients exhibited minor growth dynamics, which can be indicative of the risk of galvanosis in CG patients in the future.
Anatomic rationale for clinical efficacy of intraosseous mental nerve anesthesia
01.01.2018 |
Rabinovich S.
Vasil'ev Y.
Kuzin A.
Stomatologiia |
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The aim of the study was to prove the anatomical and clinical effectiveness of the modified anesthesia of mental nerve. The effectiveness of conductive anesthesia near the mental foramen was objectively evaluated using the electric pulp test (EPT) in 100 volunteers of both sexes, aged 35-43 years. Wet anterior mandible preparations obtained from 350 cadavers aged 18-74 years were also studied. EPT value after local mental anesthesia conducted according to Malamed C. using 4% articain solution of local anesthetic with vasoconstrictor concentration of 1:200.000 after 2 minutes was 93±0.82 mA, after 4 minutes - 188±1.26 mA. Yield variability indicators of intraosseous mental nerve anesthesia was slightly higher varying from 94.11 mA to 96.61 mA after 2 minutes and from 197.4 to 199.92 mA after 4 minutes survey. The study showed the efficiency and predictability of intraosseous anesthesia of the mental nerve.
Barrier drugs with prolonged release in dental practice
01.01.2018 |
Romanova Y.
Makeeva M.
Stomatologiia |
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Pathological lesions associated with multiple causes (infections, physical, chemical and thermal agents) of oral mucosa are equally widespread in all spheres of dental practice. The actual importance of pharmaceutical therapy of lesions of oral mucosa is associated with the lack of reliable traditional topical drugs - ointments, gels, pastes, lacquers, discs - caused by their little efficiency associated with poor maintaining of permanent concentration, short contact period, discomfort and long-term treatment. All the mentioned facts caused the development of various pharmaceutical forms with prolonged activity with improved adhesion to oral mucosa, prolonged saving of useful properties and protecting the lesion from oral infection and external influences and reducing the intensity of painful sensations during mastication and mimics. These drugs form the group of barrier drugs and drugs with prolonged release of medicine of the wide specter. During all the time of existence this group of drugs has undergone and is still undergoing several changes targeted on improvement of adhesion and maintaining of constant concentration of medicine in the lesion and extension of indications for use. The development of new pharmaceutical forms is still continuing.
Possibilities of thermographic rating the level of microcirculation with local anesthesia in dentistry
01.01.2018 |
Vasil'ev Y.
Rabinovich S.
Dydykin S.
Logachev V.
Pikhlak U.
Stomatologiia |
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It is known that the reduction of blood vessels by epinephrine that are part of the local anesthetic leads to a decrease in oxygen intake and the development of hypoxia, which has a significant effect on the excitability of nerve fibers. This is due to the fact that epinephrine is present in the local anesthetic cartridge, which helps to reduce, until termination, microcirculation in the depot area, which leads to local hypothermia. With the introduction of local anesthetics, the temperature of which is significantly lower than the depot temperature, the patient experiences severe discomfort, which is associated with unsuccessful local anesthesia. The goal of the study was the need to analyze the feasibility of using the thermography method in assessing the degree of ischemia of the soft tissues of the maxillofacial region against the background of local anesthesia with a different concentration of epinephrine in dentistry. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In the pilot study, 22 healthy volunteers aged between 29-35 years of both sexes participated. To assess the degree of external vasoconstriction, a buccal region was chosen near the maxilla. Infiltration anesthesia was used with a 4% solution of articaine with epinephrine 1: 100 000 and 1: 200 000 at a dosage of 0.5-0.7 ml. The temperature distribution in the study area was estimated using a thermal imager Nec InfReC Thermo Gear G30. RESULTS: The study showed that the use of epinephrine in local anesthetics naturally has a moderate effect on hemodynamics in areas adjacent to the anesthesia depot. When using a low concentration of epinephrine (1:200 000), the projection hyperthermia of the skin is determined. Perhaps this is due to the activation of microcirculation due to an increase in capillary blood flow in the region above the zone of action of the epinephrine. From the point of view of physiological arterial hyperemia, this mechanism carries positive properties, since leads to an increase in tissue oxygenation. When using a high concentration of epinephrine (1:100 000), the zone of hypothermia of the skin is determined, which corresponds to the phenomenon of angiospastic ischemia.