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Optimal time of surgery for acute adhesive small bowel obstruction
01.01.2018 |
Sazhin A.
Tyagunov A.
Larichev S.
Lebedev I.
Makhuova G.
Marchenko I.
Polushkin V.
Sazhin I.
Nechay T.
Ivakhov G.
Titkova S.
Anurov M.
Gasanov M.
Kolygin A.
Mirzoyan A.
Glagolev N.
Kurashinova L.
Khirurgiia |
0 |
AIM: To define optimal terms of surgery for acute adhesive non-strangulatory small bowel obstruction.MATERIAL AND METHODS: The analysis included 703 publications from e-LIBRARI.RU (342 works) and NCBI (361 works) databases for acute adhesive intestinal obstruction. The vast majority of articles presented retrospective analysis of single-center experience.RESULTS: It has been established that short course of medication is predominantly used for acute adhesive intestinal obstruction in the Russian Federation. International studies point 2-5 days for conservative treatment. The advantages and disadvantages of short and long courses of medication were analyzed. Therefore, multicenter, prospective, randomized trial 'Comparison of early operative treatment (12-hour medication) and long-term conservative treatment (48 hours) for acute adhesive small bowel obstruction' (COTACSO) was planned and registered (Unique Protocol ID: 14121729). The study protocol involves clinical, laboratory and instrumental exclusion of strangulation, randomization and conservative treatment of 2 groups of patients for 12 and 48 hours. Patients will undergo surgical interventions if obstruction will be present by that date. The main endpoint is mortality rate in both groups. The end of the study is December 2020.