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The Modern Characteristics of Anti-Tuberculosis Care Support of Population of the Chechen Republic
01.03.2018 |
Batukaieva Z.
Alekseieva V.
Kozlov V.
Mikerova M.
Problemy sotsial'noi gigieny, zdravookhraneniia i istorii meditsiny |
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Despite a steady tendency of decreasing of indices of morbidity of tuberculosis of population of the Chechen Republic, the problems related to early diagnosis of tuberculosis and organization of specialized medical care of patients continue to be unresolved. The questionnaire survey of administrators of anti-tuberculosis medical organizations of the Chechen Republic was carried out with the purpose of establishing difficulties in medical care support of patients with tuberculosis and determining main directions of their overcoming. The results of study demonstrated that main problems are asocial behavior of patients, inadequate staffing of institutions with medical and paramedical personnel, absence of proper relationship with other medical organizations, inadequate level of financing. The administrators indicated as main directions of solving problems increasing of remuneration of labor of medical personnel of anti-tuberculosis medical organizations, development of social defense of patients, physicians and population, alteration of actual normative legal base according to modern social economic conditions, enhancement of preventive direction of work, optimization of manning table and standards of work load of physicians and also development of tactics of treatment and re-organization of dispensary observation of patients with tuberculosis.