Comparative genomics of Leishmania (Mundinia)
11.10.2019 |
Butenko A.
Kostygov A.
Sádlová J.
Kleschenko Y.
Bečvář T.
Podešvová L.
MacEdo D.
Žihala D.
Lukeš J.
Bates P.
Volf P.
Opperdoes F.
Yurchenko V.
BMC Genomics |
10.1186/s12864-019-6126-y |
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© 2019 The Author(s). Background: Trypanosomatids of the genus Leishmania are parasites of mammals or reptiles transmitted by bloodsucking dipterans. Many species of these flagellates cause important human diseases with clinical symptoms ranging from skin sores to life-threatening damage of visceral organs. The genus Leishmania contains four subgenera: Leishmania, Sauroleishmania, Viannia, and Mundinia. The last subgenus has been established recently and remains understudied, although Mundinia contains human-infecting species. In addition, it is interesting from the evolutionary viewpoint, representing the earliest branch within the genus and possibly with a different type of vector. Here we analyzed the genomes of L. (M.) martiniquensis, L. (M.) enriettii and L. (M.) macropodum to better understand the biology and evolution of these parasites. Results: All three genomes analyzed were approximately of the same size (~ 30 Mb) and similar to that of L. (Sauroleishmania) tarentolae, but smaller than those of the members of subgenera Leishmania and Viannia, or the genus Endotrypanum (~ 32 Mb). This difference was explained by domination of gene losses over gains and contractions over expansions at the Mundinia node, although only a few of these genes could be identified. The analysis predicts significant changes in the Mundinia cell surface architecture, with the most important ones relating to losses of LPG-modifying side chain galactosyltransferases and arabinosyltransferases, as well as β-amastins. Among other important changes were gene family contractions for the oxygen-sensing adenylate cyclases and FYVE zinc finger-containing proteins. Conclusions: We suggest that adaptation of Mundinia to different vectors and hosts has led to alternative host-parasite relationships and, thereby, made some proteins redundant. Thus, the evolution of genomes in the genus Leishmania and, in particular, in the subgenus Mundinia was mainly shaped by host (or vector) switches.
Underlying differences in health spending within the world health organisation Europe region-comparing EU15, EU post-2004, CIS, EU candidate, and CARINFONET countries
01.09.2019 |
Jakovljevic M.
Fernandes P.
Teixeira J.
Rancic N.
Timofeyev Y.
Reshetnikov V.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
10.3390/ijerph16173043 |
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© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This study examined the differences in health spending within the World Health Organization (WHO) Europe region by comparing the EU15, the EU post-2004, CIS, EU Candidate and CARINFONET countries. The WHO European Region (53 countries) has been divided into the following sub-groups: EU15, EU post-2004, CIS, EU Candidate countries and CARINFONET countries. The study period, based on the availability of WHO Global Health expenditure data, was 1995 to 2014. EU15 countries have exhibited the strongest growth in total health spending both in nominal and purchasing power parity terms. The dynamics of CIS members’ private sector expenditure growth as a percentage of GDP change has exceeded that of other groups. Private sector expenditure on health as a percentage of total government expenditure, has steadily the highest percentage point share among CARINFONET countries. Furthermore, private households’ out-of-pocket payments on health as a percentage of total health expenditure, has been dominated by Central Asian republics for most of the period, although, for the period 2010 to 2014, the latter have tended to converge with those of CIS countries. Western EU15 nations have shown a serious growth of health expenditure far exceeding their pace of real economic growth in the long run. There is concerning growth of private health spending among the CIS and CARINFONET nations. It reflects growing citizen vulnerability in terms of questionable affordability of healthcare. Health care investment capability has grown most substantially in the Russian Federation, Turkey and Poland being the classical examples of emerging markets.
Choice and use of antibiotics for respiratory infections in children in eurasian clinical recommendations and who recommendations
01.03.2018 |
Spichak T.
Pediatriya - Zhurnal im G.N. Speranskogo |
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© 2018, Pediatria Ltd. All rights reserved. Clinical guidelines for the selection and use of antibiotics (AB) for common and most important community-acquired infections are aimed at increasing the treatment efficacy and overcoming growth of bacterial pathogens resistance to AB. They are based on the principle of positive ratio of «benefit/risk» of AB and selection of primary and alternative drugs. The article presents Russian and foreign data on pediatricians preferences in the choice of AB for ARI in children, on the level of Streptococcus pneumoniae resistance to penicillins and macrolides and other respiratory bacterial pathogens to macrolides in Russia (including the pediatric population) and abroad, which led to similar changes in grouping of AB in the Eurasian clinical recommendations and WHO recommendations. It demonstrates a significant coincidence of the AB choice for community-acquired pneumonia and acute bacterial rhinosinusitis in children in comparable recommendations with the recognition of amoxicillin as the first choice drug and the general tendency to restrict the use of macrolides. It also points on the need to control the AB use.
Endometrial hyperplasia: The analysis of the 2014 who classification and Protocol RCOG & BSGE in the perspective of own results
01.01.2018 |
Davydov A.
Novruzova N.
Strizhakov A.
Voprosy Ginekologii, Akusherstva i Perinatologii |
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© 2018, Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved. The objective is to study the results of treatment of female patients with endometrial hyperplasia considering the 2014 WHO Classification and to make adjustments in tactics of conducting it, based on the individual approach. Patients and methods. Eighty-two (82) female patients at the age from 19 to 47 years (37.5 ± 2.6 years) were examined. Most of them (54/65,8%) were in the reproductive period. Methods of diagnosis: a) 2D and 3D transvaginal ultrasound scan with the use of color Doppler; b) video histeroscopia; C) histologic study of endometrial scratching or macropreparations, removed during the surgery. Results. It has been found in the analysis of the 2014 WHO Classification and Protocol RCOG & BSGE that when EH diagnosed for the first time in women of reproductive age after 3 months of taking NET, it is advisable to use estrogen-progestin products (COCP) for another 3 months with prolongation if necessary for further protection from unwanted pregnancy. The morphological picture of AEH should be carefully estimated, taking into account that in its simplest form total ablation of the endometrium is valid. Conclusion. No algorithm is able to cover all possible clinical situations and to adhere to individual approach in the choice of patient treatment tactics with endometrial hyperplasia.
Expediency and prospects of a vaccinal prevention of whooping cough without age restrictions
01.01.2018 |
Mikheeva I.
Saltykova T.
Mikheeva M.
Jurnal Infektologii |
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2019 © Interregional public organization Association of infectious disease specialists of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad region (IPO AIDSSPbR). All Rights Reserved. The goal of study was the epidemiological substantiation of optimization measures of a vaccinal prevention of whooping cough in the Russian Federation. Materials and methods. The retrospective descriptive epidemiological research has been conducted by analysis of the official statistical data on the whooping cough case rate (form No. 2) in 2005-2017 in the Russian Federation, as well as the data about preventive whooping cough inoculations (forms No. 5, No. 6) in 2005-2017 and about epidemic outbreakes in 2017 (form No. 23-17). The assessment of an economic damage from whooping cough in 2005-2017 has been carried out. Results. The following adverse characteristics of a modern epidemiological situation on whooping cough in Russia are shown: long-term recurrence of epidemic process, tendency of rising of a case rate of children of 0-2 years; high percentage of children of preschool and school age among whooping cough cases; prevalence among the patients with whooping cough of the children who have been vaccinated against this infection previously, epidemic outbreakes in children's collectives, the stability of a case rate of teenagers and adults with prevalence of the mild and the erased clinical forms of this infection. The risks due to weaknesses of the whooping cough vaccinal prevention are noted: the insufficient immunization coverage owing to falce contraindications and refusals of parents of vaccinations of children, noncompliance with terms and intervals between inoculations, lack of domestic vaccine for revaccination of children at the age of 5 years and older. Conclusion. It is necessary to introduce in the national vaccination schedule a preschool booster dose for children at the age of 6 and adolescents at 14 years with the combined reduced antigen content tetanus-diphtheria and acellular pertussis vaccines as well as the inoculations of this vaccine according to epidemiological indications to health workers, employees of educational institutions. A revaccination against whooping cough is recommended as “cocoon” for the persons contacting to not vaccinated child under 1 year of age.
PET/CT and whole body MRI in diagnosis of sarcoid reaction
01.01.2018 |
Subbotin Y.
Plaksa I.
Bakhtiozin R.
Volkonskiy M.
Shipuleva I.
Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology |
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© 2018 Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology. All Rights Reserved. Purpose. To present abilities and limitations of Whole body MRI and FDG-PET/CT in the setting of sarcoid reaction and to stress the importance of use of broader differential diagnosis during interpreting its results. Materials and methods. The observation is introduced from clinical practice, examination was performed on 1.5 Tesla MRI scanner with the acquisition of four regions of interest: head and neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis and upper thigh. Scanning protocol included diffusion-weighted imaging sequence. Results. The examination has let us exclude the presence of the active tumor tissue in breast cancer patient after systemic neoadjuvant treatment and drew our attention to false positive PET/CT result, which in turn led to change of further treatment strategy. Conclusions. Interpretation of FDG-PET/CT should be done in a complex manner with clinical, laboratory and radiological data correlation.
Recent updates on whole-body MRI in oncology
01.01.2018 |
Subbotin Y.
Bakhtiozin R.
Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology |
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© 2018 Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology.All right reserved. Purpose: In recent years, whole-body MRI have been increasingly used in the field of oncological radiology owing to its advantages such as: yield of high-quality diagnostic information in relatively short scan time, lack of radioisotope or intravenous contrast use, and comparingly low examination cost in contrast to traditional nuclear medicine techniques. Aim of this article is to bring the overview of whole-body MRI as a technique and current applications of its use in oncological radiology.
Features of diagnostics and "whole body" multispiral computed tomography in patients with severe combined trauma
01.01.2018 |
Dushin D.
Ternovoy S.
Burenchev D.
Karaseva E.
Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology |
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© 2018 Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology.All right reserved. Purpose: This scientific review of the literature presents the most relevant discussions in the world community, aimed at improving the implementation of the diagnostic algorithm in patients with severe combined trauma. Materials and methods: The work deals with the main traumatic injuries of various anatomical zones, the criteria of the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) protocol and diagnostic methods aimed at detecting acute traumatic pathology. Conclusion: The authors consider unsolved issues, as well as the improvement of the multislice computed tomography (MSCT) algorithm in the "whole body" mode, to optimize diagnostic activities aimed at managing patients with severe combined trauma.
Investigation of characteristics of nutrition patterns in a sample of 41-44-year-old Moscow residents with overweight and obesity
01.01.2018 |
Eganyan R.
Rozanov V.
Zvolinskaya E.
Profilakticheskaya Meditsina |
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© 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved. The characteristics of mortality in the Russian Federation are that the greatest years of potential life lost are due to deaths among 50-60-year-old men. Objective - to investigate the characteristics of nutrition patterns in a sample of 41-44-year-old Moscow residents with overweight and obesity, by taking into account the role and significance of overweight in the development of cardiovascular diseases and events. Material and methods. Actual nutrition was evaluated according to the special computer program 1C. Value of Nutrition through a 24-hour dietary recall, by applying a special food atlas. A constructed mathematical model and tables of the chemical composition of nutrients were used to obtain information about the energy value of a diet and the pattern of nutrition. Results. A total of 301 men aged 41-44 years were examined. 38.3% of them were overweight. 29% of the men were found to be obese; 83 (28.6%) men had abdominal overweight. Comparative analysis showed that overweight and obese persons consumed statistically significantly more protein and total fat than normal weight ones and people with abdominal obesity ate more saturated fats and cholesterol. There was a paradoxical decrease in the intake of simple and complex carbohydrates with increases in both weight and waist circumference. Conclusion. The findings can be used to improve methods for nutrition assessment and differentiated technology for overweight correction in primary health care facilities.
Features of a course of pertussis-like illnesses caused by bordetella holmesii
01.01.2018 |
Petrova M.
Borisova A.
Aleshkin V.
Afanasiev S.
Shamsheva O.
Urban Y.
Borisova O.
Pimenova A.
Aleshkin A.
Afanasiev M.
Vlasov E.
Bunin S.
Voprosy Prakticheskoi Pediatrii |
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© 2018, Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved. The objective. To estimate a clinical picture of the pertussis-like illnesses caused by Bordetella holmesii. Patients and methods. The research is conducted in Infectious diseases clinical hospital No 1 of the Moscow Department of Healthcare. Under observation there were 7 children (from 1 month to 15 years). Examination is conducted by means of PCR-RT with the primers the IS481, ptxA, IS1001 and hIS1001 for identification of fragments of genomes of B. holmesii, B. pertussis and B. parapertussis, and by means of the AmplySens® Bordetella Multi-FL test system for identification of B. pertussis, B. parapertussis and B. bronchiseptica DNA. Results. At 6 children the disease proceeded an easy form, from them in five children in clinical samples DNA of B. holmesii also is found in one child – B. holmesii and B. parapertussis DNA; at 1 child (1 month) the disease proceeded in a medium-weight form, and B. holmesii and DNA of B. pertussis is found in him in a sample. In a clinical picture of the pertussis-like illnesses caused by B. holmesii at all children the symptoms characteristic of the course of the whooping cough caused by B. pertussis were observed: whooping cough, with office of a transparent phlegm, with hyperaemia of the person. But the disease proceeded in easier form, the health of the child didn't suffer, respiratory frustration weren't observed, duration of a disease was much shorter. Conclusion. The research demonstrates circulation of B. holmesii in the territory of the Russian Federation. At allocation of B. holmesii pertussis-like symptoms are noted, however easier current including at children of early age is registered.