Alterations in Blood Metabolic Parameters of Immature Mice After Subchronic Exposure to Cobalt Chloride
01.02.2021 |
Vladov I.
Petrova E.
Pavlova E.
Tinkov A.A.
Ajsuvakova O.P.
Skalny A.V.
Gluhcheva Y.
Biological Trace Element Research |
10.1007/s12011-020-02161-4 |
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© 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. The wide use of cobalt (Co) in food, industry, and medical devices requires full elucidation of its biological effects on tissues and organs. The aim was to assess serum metabolic alterations in immature mice after subchronic exposure to CoCl2. Pregnant ICR mice were subjected to a daily dose of 75 mg cobalt chloride/kg body weight (CoCl2x6H2O) 2–3 days before they gave birth, and treatment continued until days 25 and 30 after delivery. The compound was dissolved in and obtained with regular tap water. ICP-DRC-MS analysis showed significantly elevated serum Co2+ and diverse alterations in metabolic parameters of 25- and 30-day-old pups after exposure to CoCl2. Cholesterol and urea levels were significantly elevated in day 25 mice while HDL-C and LDL-C were reduced. In day 30, Co-exposed mice LDL-C and triglycerides were significantly increased while the total cholesterol level remained unchanged. Alkaline phosphatase was significantly reduced in day 25 Co-exposed mice. Blood glucose level of Co-exposed mice remained close to the untreated controls. Total protein content was slightly increased in day 30 mice. Co-exposure reduced albumin content and albumin/globulin ratio but increased significantly globulin content. Co administration showed strong correlation with cholesterol, urea, and HDL-C in both day 25 and 30 mice. Inverse correlation was found with alkaline phosphatase and albumin for day 25 and with triglycerides, globulin, and total protein content in day 30 Co-exposed mice. Subchronic CoCl2 exposure of immature mice induced significant changes in key metabolic parameters suggesting possible further disturbances in energy metabolism, osteogenesis, and reproduction.
Alterations in Blood Metabolic Parameters of Immature Mice After Subchronic Exposure to Cobalt Chloride
01.02.2021 |
Vladov I.
Petrova E.
Pavlova E.
Tinkov A.A.
Ajsuvakova O.P.
Skalny A.V.
Gluhcheva Y.
Biological Trace Element Research |
10.1007/s12011-020-02161-4 |
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© 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. The wide use of cobalt (Co) in food, industry, and medical devices requires full elucidation of its biological effects on tissues and organs. The aim was to assess serum metabolic alterations in immature mice after subchronic exposure to CoCl2. Pregnant ICR mice were subjected to a daily dose of 75 mg cobalt chloride/kg body weight (CoCl2x6H2O) 2–3 days before they gave birth, and treatment continued until days 25 and 30 after delivery. The compound was dissolved in and obtained with regular tap water. ICP-DRC-MS analysis showed significantly elevated serum Co2+ and diverse alterations in metabolic parameters of 25- and 30-day-old pups after exposure to CoCl2. Cholesterol and urea levels were significantly elevated in day 25 mice while HDL-C and LDL-C were reduced. In day 30, Co-exposed mice LDL-C and triglycerides were significantly increased while the total cholesterol level remained unchanged. Alkaline phosphatase was significantly reduced in day 25 Co-exposed mice. Blood glucose level of Co-exposed mice remained close to the untreated controls. Total protein content was slightly increased in day 30 mice. Co-exposure reduced albumin content and albumin/globulin ratio but increased significantly globulin content. Co administration showed strong correlation with cholesterol, urea, and HDL-C in both day 25 and 30 mice. Inverse correlation was found with alkaline phosphatase and albumin for day 25 and with triglycerides, globulin, and total protein content in day 30 Co-exposed mice. Subchronic CoCl2 exposure of immature mice induced significant changes in key metabolic parameters suggesting possible further disturbances in energy metabolism, osteogenesis, and reproduction.
Technique of redo endoscopic cystocisternostomy in Sylvian fissure arachnoid cyst
01.12.2019 |
Sufianov A.
Iakimov I.
Abdumazhitova M.
Sufianov R.
Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management |
10.1016/j.inat.2019.04.007 |
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© 2019 The Authors Sylvian fissure arachnoid cysts are known intracranial lesion in pediatric population. We describe a case of symptomatic cyst of Sylvian fissure that was managed with a standard endoscopic cystocisternostomy and re-endoscopy. We also describe the techniques of fenestration of medial wall cyst and partial removal of arachnoid membrane over third cranial nerve in anterior part (region near Dolenc medial triangle) and posterior part (region near Fukushima superior (paramedial) triangle) prevent closure of fenestration and recurrence of hypertension. A 6 years old girl presented with progressively increasing headache, left side hemiparesis, drag resistant of symptomatic epilepsy. MRI and CT scan showed right Sylvian fissure arachnoid cyst. The first endoscopic fenestration of cyst was done on standard basis. After operation patient improve clinically and radiologically. Two years later the patient came back with recurrent symptoms. The operation was performed by prof. Sufianov A. Endoscopic reoperation showed closure of fenestration in arachnoid membrane. Endoscopic re-fenestration with partial excision of arachnoid on over third cranial nerve in anterior and posterior part was excised. The patient again recovered radiologically and clinically till last follow up. In Sylvian fissure arachnoid cysts, endoscopic treatment with wide fenestration of medial wall of cyst preferably with partial removal of arachnoid may be very useful and preventing recurrent symptoms.
Mortality of patients with rheumatoid arthritis requiring intensive care: a single-center retrospective study
01.11.2019 |
Haviv-Yadid Y.
Segal Y.
Dagan A.
Sharif K.
Bragazzi N.
Watad A.
Amital H.
Shoenfeld Y.
Shovman O.
Clinical Rheumatology |
10.1007/s10067-019-04651-w |
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© 2019, International League of Associations for Rheumatology (ILAR). Background: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are at a high risk for life-threatening conditions requiring admission to the intensive care unit (ICU), but the data regarding the outcomes of these patients is limited. The present study investigated the clinical characteristics and outcomes of RA patients admitted to an ICU. Methods: This retrospective cohort study included RA patients admitted to the general ICU of the Sheba Medical Center during 2002–2018. The main outcome was 30-day mortality. Using Student’s t test, χ2, and multivariable analyses, we compared the demographic, clinical, and laboratory parameters of the survivors and the non-survivors. Figures with p value < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: Forty-three RA patients were admitted to the ICU during the study period (mean age, 64.0 ± 13.1 years; 74.4% female). The leading causes of ICU admission were infection (72.1%), respiratory failure (72.1%), renal failure (60.5%), and septic shock (55.8%). The 30-day mortality rate was 34.9%, with infection (9/15, 60%) as the most frequent cause. The mean Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) scores were 19.7 ± 12.5 and 7.0 ± 4.5, respectively. Multivariable analysis showed that heart failure (p = 0.023), liver failure (p = 0.012), SOFA score (p = 0.007), and vasopressor treatment in ICU (p = 0.039) were significantly associated with overall mortality. SOFA score was linked with overall mortality (area under the curve (AUC) = 0.781 ± 0.085, p = 0.003) and mortality from respiratory failure (AUC = 0.861 ± 0.075, p = 0.002), while APACHE II score was only correlated with mortality from infection (AUC = 0.735 ± 0.082, p = 0.032). Conclusions: Our study demonstrated a relatively high mortality rate among RA patients who were admitted to the general ICU. RA patients with risk factors such as heart failure, liver failure, elevated SOFA score, and vasopressor treatment in ICU should be promptly identified and treated accordingly.Key Points• The 30-day mortality rate of patients with RA that were admitted to the general ICU of a tertiary hospital was 34.9%.• The most common causes of ICU admission among patients with RA were infections and respiratory failure. Infections were the most common cause of death among these patients.• Patients with RA that present to the ICU with heart failure, liver failure, elevated SOFA score, and/or require vasopressor treatment in ICU should be promptly identified and treated accordingly.
Macro- and microscopic analyses of piles formed by Platonic solids
21.09.2019 |
Zhao H.
An X.
Dong K.
Yang R.
Xu F.
Fu H.
Zhang H.
Yang X.
Chemical Engineering Science |
10.1016/j.ces.2019.05.018 |
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© 2019 Elsevier Ltd Sandpiles are ubiquitous in nature and engineering applications but still not fully understood due to the complexity of structures and materials properties. This work presents a systematic study on the piles of Platonic solids using the discrete element method (DEM), mainly focusing on the effect of particle shape on the repose angles and bottom pressure distributions of the piles. Five Platonic particles (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron) were discharged to form wedge-shaped piles. It was found that the repose angle did not increase with the decrease of particle sphericity. The pile formed by the cubes had the maximum repose angle and its bottom stress dip phenomena were more significant in terms of dip width and depth than that of other particle piles. The pressure distributions at different heights of the piles were quite similar to those of the whole piles, while the shear stress distributions near the boundaries exhibited different characteristics for the cube piles. The analyses of packing structures in terms of coordination number, radial distribution function, as well as contact types inside the piles were discussed to understand the change of pressure dips. The influence of static friction on the repose angle was more significant and it enhanced the stress dip phenomenon.
Hydroxyurea-loaded albumin nanoparticles: Preparation, characterization, and in vitro studies
01.08.2019 |
Tazhbayev Y.
Mukashev O.
Burkeev M.
Kreuter J.
Pharmaceutics |
10.3390/pharmaceutics11080410 |
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© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Human serum albumin nanoparticles (HSA-NPs) have been widely used as drug delivery systems. In most cases, HSA-NPs are formed by the method of desolvation in the presence of glutaraldehyde as a crosslinking agent. In the present study, we showed the possibility of crosslinking human serum albumin (HSA) molecules with natural agents, urea, and cysteine at the nanoparticle level under mild conditions (at room temperature of 20–25 °C). Optimal concentrations of the interacting components (HSA, urea, and cysteine) were found to produce nanoparticles with optimal physico-chemical parameters (particle size, polydispersity, zeta potential, yield, etc.) for application as drug carriers. We used hydroxyurea (HU), a simple organic compound currently used as a cancer chemotherapeutic agent. The results indicated sizes of 196 ± 5 nm and 288 ± 10 nm with a surface charge of −22 ± 3.4 mV and −17.4 ± 0.5 mV for HSA-NPs (20 mg/mL of HSA, 0.01 mg/mL of cysteine, and 10 mg/mL of urea) and HSA–HU-NPs (2 mg/mL of HU), respectively. The yield of the HSA–HU-NPs was ~93% with an encapsulation efficiency of ~77%. Thus, the particles created (immobilized with HU) were stable over time and able to prolong the effect of the drug.
Prospects of electrochemical urea elimination method for wearable 'artificial kidney'
13.06.2018 |
Bazaev N.
Zhilo N.
Grinval'D V.
Proceedings - 2018 Ural Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology, USBEREIT 2018 |
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© 2018 IEEE. The work is focused on the research of urea elimination possibilities out of the waste dialysis solution by its electro-oxidation on the surface of platinum group metals and carbon materials. The work includes findings of experimental tests of various electrode materials for the specific urea elimination rate in a model solution.
Specific features of diagnosis and treatment in pregnant women with uncomplicated urinary tract infection and urogenital infections
01.01.2018 |
Gadzhieva Z.
Gomberg M.
Grigoryan V.
Gazimiev M.
Kazilov Y.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya (Russian Federation) |
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© 2018, Bionika Media Ltd.. All rights reserved. Urinary disorders in women with recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI) are a serious problem that has not yet been solved despite that there are a large number of papers on this topic. Pregnant women who have experienced acute urinary tract infection and those who have been treated for asymptomatic bacteriuria should be followed up until delivery, by examining their urine to prove the efficiency of antibacterial therapy that can threaten their pregnancy. It is necessary to emphasize the importance of prevention, timely detection of signs of UTI in pregnant women and the correct choice of antibiotic therapy in the developed UTI.
The joint scientific research projects carried out by the department of forensic medicine of the sechenovsky university and the bureau of forensic medical expertise of the Moscow health department
01.01.2018 |
Nagornov M.
Shigeev S.
Lomakin Y.
Leonova E.
Sudebno-Meditsinskaya Ekspertiza |
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© 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. This article was designed to report the results of scientific research and practical forensic medical work carried out jointly by the personnel of Department of Forensic Medicine of the Sechenovsky University and the Bureau of Forensic Medical Expertise of the Moscow Health Department during the last 5 years.
Features of the myometrial status during cesarean section with regard to amniorrhea and birth activity: A clinical and morphological study
01.01.2018 |
Prikhodko A.
Baev O.
Karapetyan A.
Demura T.
Kogan E.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya (Russian Federation) |
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© Bionika Media Ltd. Different factors caused by both equipment and the course of surgery (conditions under which the operation is performed, the location of incision, the characteristics of suture material, the type of surgical suture, and the amount of blood loss), by the course of the postoperative period, and the peculiarities of repair of damaged tissues influence wound healing of the uterus during cesarean section. Objective. To establish the value of premature amniorrhea and uterine inertia as predictors of impaired myometrial repair after cesarean section, by using clinical and morphological analyses. Subjects and methods. The investigation enrolled 129 patients who had given birth via cesarean section. Of them, 44 patients had delivery before birth activity, 85 during the first stage of labor. 49 and 80 women delivered before and after amniorrhea, respectively. During cesarean section, uterine tissue was taken from the upper edge of the wound after uterine incision. The myometrial biopsy specimens obtained during cesarean section were morphologically and immunohistochemically examined. The patients were divided into 4 groups according to the level of birth activity and the preservation of amniotic fluid at the time of cesarean section. Group 1 included patients with regular labor activity and amniorrhea at the time of caesarean section; Group 2 consisted of those with labor activity in the presence of whole amniotic fluid; Group 3 comprised those without birth activity in the presence of whole amniotic fluid; Group 4 included patients with premature amniorrhea without uterine contractions. 36 cases (9 in each group) were selected by random sampling for morphological and immunohistochemical examinations. The biopsy specimens were fixed in 10% neutral formalin and embedded in paraffin. The serial paraffin-embedded sections underwent histological examination and immunohistochemical tests for the following markers: TGF-β, VEGF, MMP2, TIMP1, types I and III collagen, TNF, and PDGF. Results. The morphological and immunohistochemical analyses revealed the most pronounced signs of myometrial damage during cesarean section in Group 4 patients having premature amniorrhea without uterine contractions. There were decreased VEGF, PDGF, MMP2, and TIMP levels and simultaneously increased TNF-α expression in leiomyocytes, vascular endothelium, and myometrial stromal cells. The findings may indicate the relatively lower reparative potential of the myometrium and the increased readiness for an inflammatory response in the group of women undergoing cesarean section in the presence of premature amniorrhea without uterine contractions. Conclusion. Clinical, morphological, and immunohistochemical analyses have revealed differences in the myometrial status in relation to typical clinical factors, such as amniorrhea and birth activity. Wound healing occurs under the influence of growth factors and the ratio of expression levels for growth factors can vary in different pathological conditions. The reduced expression of VEGF, MMP2, TIMP, and PDGF and the increased expression of TNF in the group having amniorrhea without uterine contractions (P-B+) suggest that there are pronounced inflammatory processes and impaired myometrial repair with the longer latency period in the absence of labor activity, which may refer these women to a group at risk for incompetent scar formation.