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Surgical treatment of a female patient with tracheomalacia and expiratory tracheal stenosis
01.01.2018 |
Parshin V.
Avdeev S.
Rusakov M.
Titov V.
Parshin A.
Pulmonologiya |
0 |
© 2019 American Psychiatric Association. All rights reserved. Abnormal mobility of the posterior membranous wall of the trachea and large bronchi is seen in many bronchopulmonary chronic inflammatory diseases. Currently, clear explanation of a mechanism of the expiratory tracheal stenosis (ETS) is absent. The advanced ETS is associated with severe ventilation abnormalities including asphyxia and syncope. The latter conditions are considered as indications for surgical treatment. Results of the surgical treatment are controversial and are not fully acceptable. For this reason, the surgical treatment for ETS is not routinely used and any successive case of such treatment is of great interest. Strict indications, such as life-threatening conditions or failure of optimal medical treatment, are required for surgical treatment of patients with tracheomalacia and ETS. Surgical treatment for tracheomalacia and ETS is contraindicated in the case of lobar bronchial lesion impeding stabilization the membranous part of the tracheobronchial tree.