Regularities of the oxidative stress processes in case of bleedings from acute and chronic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum
01.01.2018 |
Silina E.
Sobirovz M.
Bolevich S.
Stupin V.
OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences |
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© 2018 Ekaterina Vladimirovna Silina, Mukimdjon Ahmadzhonovich Sobirovz, Sergey Brankovich Bolevich and Aleksandrovich Stupin. The main aim of the study was to determine ways of improving the results of treating patients with ulcer bleeding of various nature and severity. It was provided by the system study of free radical processes and evaluation of the effectiveness of timely antioxidant therapy. Material and methods. The study included 153 patients aged 18-94 years with acute and chronic gastric and duodenal ulcers complicated by gastroduodenal bleeding. Patients were divided into two groups: group I (experimental group) included 62 patients who received antioxidative therapy with reamberin as a part of the basic therapy; and group II (control group) included 91 patients who received standard therapy. Various parameters of Free Radical Processes (FRP) were studied in dynamics in all patients. Results. We revealed the significance of oxidative stress on the first day of hospitalization in patients with gastrointestinal ulcerous bleeding of various character and severity. It was discovered mostly in severe patients with acute Gastroduodenal Ulcerous Bleeding (GDUB). In case of mild gastrointestinal ulcerous bleeding, oxidative stress disorders affected an oxygen stage of oxidative stress and represented themselves adaptive compensatory mechanisms. As the severity of the disease increased, intensification of an oxidant stress was manifested by a decrease in oxygen activity and an increase in lipid imbalance. Imbalance in free radical processes continued for a long time until discharge of patients from the hospital. The data obtained claimed to be the basis for recommendation to include antioxidant energy-conserving therapy in the complex of therapeutic measures in the earliest possible terms. We found out an efficacy of using succinic acid therapy with reamberin in patients with gastrointestinal bleeding. Positive effect of succinic acid on the markers of oxidative stress was confirmed by improvement in the disease pattern and success of the treatment.
Regularities of free radical processes and involutional changes of face and neck skin in different age groups
01.01.2018 |
Silina E.
Stupi V.
Bolevich S.
Manturova N.
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology |
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© 2018 Silina et al. Aim: The purpose of this study was to examine the role of free radical oxygen and peroxide-lipid processes along with conducting the study of blood flow level and oxygen saturation of facial tissues in patients of different ages with varying degrees of involutional changes in the skin of the face and neck. Materials and methods: One hundred and fifty-three people (84.3% women and 15.7% men) aged from 26 to 78 years with varying degrees of involutional changes in facial skin were examined. The clinical and laboratory evaluation was carried out dynamically and included various indicators of free radical processes, objective and subjective clinical visualization, and laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) of the facial skin and transcutaneous oximetry (TcpO2) performed at 10 points on the face. To assess the state of free radical processes, the authors investigated the basal indicator of chemiluminescence intensity (ICb), the intensity of chemiluminescence stimulated (ICs) by zymosan, the activity coefficient (AC) of chemiluminescence, antiperoxide activity of plasma, and malondialdehyde (MDA). Results: With aging, the imbalance of the oxygen constituents of free radical processes grows with the increase in ROS. Proportional to age, the ICs increased 2.1 times on average in people older than 55 years compared to that in people younger than 30 years and ICb decreased by 1.8 times. As a result, the AC increased by 5.6 times. This correlates with involuntary skin changes and with regression of microcirculation and TcpO2. According to LDF, it was established that average total blood flow in people younger than 30 years and people older than 55 years was 8.1 and 6.4 mL/min, respectively The difference between the indicators of TcpO2 in people younger than 30 years and people older than 55 years was 1.6 times (average 56 vs 35 mm Hg). The stability of the indicators of the peroxide-lipid link of oxidative stress in different age groups demonstrated that the activation of ROS formation in mitochondria is not a cause but a consequence of microcirculation and metabolic processes in the face and neck and aging in general. Conclusion: The tissue metabolism and microcirculation parameters naturally regress with aging, which is associated with the increase of ROS. The excess of species leads to the intensification of peroxide processes. This, in turn, is reflected in the aesthetic appearance manifested by aging.