Clinical and anamnestic, immunological, echographic, and hysteroscopic features of chronic endometritis associated with impaired reproductive function
01.01.2018 |
Ishenko A.
Unanyan A.
Kogan E.
Demura T.
Kossovich J.
Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Meditsinskikh Nauk |
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© 2018 Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved. Background: The widespread prevalence of infertility, the low effectiveness of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), and the high incidence of chronic endometritis (CE) in infertile women determine the relevance of the considered problem. The aim of the study was to determine the clinical and anamnestic, laboratory, and instrumental features of CE associated with infertility and unsuccessful IVF cycles in women of reproductive age. Materials and methods: The study enrollred 150 women of reproductive age with morphologically established CE (main group, n=120) and without CE (control group, n=30). A subgroup I of the main group included 64 patients with infertility and IVF failures, a subgroup II - 56 fertile women. In addition to anamnesis collection and identification of CE clinical features, all patients underwent infectious screening, immunological and immunohistochemical analysis, ultrasound examination of pelvic organs with dopplerometry, and office hysteroscopy. A comparative analysis of the data obtained from subgroups of the main group was conducted. Results: Histological study of endometrial pipelle-biopsy specimens on the 7-10th day of the cycle revealed CE in all patients of the main group. We found prevalence of mean duration of CE in the subgroup I relative to subgroup II - 5.5±0.06 years and 2.4±0.07 years, respectively (p<0.001). Infectious screening showed that 58 (90.6%) patients of the I subgroup had sterile endometrial seeding which was 16.9 times higher than in subgroup II (p<0.0001). Immunological analysis determined the presence of AEAT in all patients of the subgroup I, 43 of which (67.2%) were above 265 U/ml, while 51 (91.1%) of subgroup II had no AEAT (p<0.001). Immunohistochemical analysis of the endometrium on the 18th-24th day of the cycle established high expression of CD16, CD20, CD56, and HLADRII in 58 (90.6%) patients of the subgroup I, whereas in 54 patients (96.4%) of II subgroup high expression of CD16 and CD20 with low amount of CD56- and HLA-DRII-positive cells was registered (p<0.001). We determined prognostically significant clinical and anamnestic risk factors predisposing to the development of infertility in patients with CE (p<0, 05). We revealed certain echographic, dopplerometric, and hysteroscopic criteria of CE demonstrating the critical disruption of endometrial receptivity in infertile women. Conclusion: Most patients (90.6%) with infertility had autoimmune component of CE characterized by prolonged (more than 5 years) course, high serum level of AEAT, sterile endometrial crops, and high expression of inflammation markers CD16, CD20, CD56 and HLA-DRII .
Hypoxic hemorrhagic brain lesions in neonates: The significance of determination of neurochemical markers, inflammation markers and apoptosis in the neonatal period and catamnesis follow-up results
01.01.2018 |
Trepilets V.
Golosnaya G.
Trepilets S.
Kukushkin E.
Pediatriya - Zhurnal im G.N. Speranskogo |
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© 2018, Pediatria Ltd.. All rights reserved. Objective of the research – to reveal the correlation between neurochemical criteria in the neonatal period and the consequences of severe hypoxic hemorrhagic CNS lesions in children according to catamnesis data. Materials and methods: researchers analyzed 54 cases of newborns of different gestational age (GA) that were in the ICU after birth due to severe condition; all newborns had combined hypoxic hemorrhagic brain lesion detected by neurosonography – periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) and intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) of various severity. Catamnesis follow-up was performed up to 2–2,5 years of age. The control group consisted of 20 newborns, comparable in GA, body weight at birth, with an Apgar score of at least 6 points in the 1st minute of life and without changes in neurosonography. In the neonatal period, serum concentrations of S100, BDNF, VEGF, ALCAM, DR5 were studied in dynamics using the quantitative ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay) according to a standard protocol. Results: the concentration of factors contributing to destructive changes in tissues (S100, DR5, ALCAM) in the serum, was in inverse correlation with the level of VEGF and BDNF. The latter had a direct correlation relationship. VEGF directly correlated with CNTF by the end of the 2 nd week of life. Results of catamnesis follow-up: 43 children diagnosed with cerebral palsy, 25 with spastic diplegia, 18 with spastic tetraparesis, and 11 without evident motor disorders. In 28 children I–III level of motor disorders was determined according to GMFS, in 26 children – IV–V level. At the age of 2 years, all children underwent MRI of the brain and gliio-atrophic changes were detected. Significant differences in the implementation of neurological consequences were found between the number of children with grade I and II IVH and PVL and III–IV degree IVH and PVL. Conclusion: children with PVL and IVH III–IV degree have a high risk of severe neurological outcomes – spastic tetraparesis, impaired motor activity by GMFS IV–V level, mental retardation and symptomatic epilepsy.