Reflectory cough. The causes, diagnostics and the possibilities for the combined treatment
01.01.2018 |
Svistushkin V.
Karpova O.
Nikiforova G.
Rakunova E.
Vestnik Otorinolaringologii |
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© 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. The main cause of reflectory cough is neurogenic hyperventilation. The clinical signs of reflectory cough include its dry and back-breaking character, the gradual increase and abrupt beginning, impossibility to stop the coughing fit, and the feeling of shortness of breath. The triggers of a coughing attack can be a deep breath, a talk, physical and/or psycho-emotional stress, fatigue, and other sensations. The typical laryngological signs of the condition in question include the broad glottal aperture (up to 20 mm and more in contrast to its normal maximum width of 15 mm) and the spasm of the vocal cords in response to inspiration. The clinic of Diseases of Ear, Throat and Nose affiliated with I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University has gained the extensive experience with the treatment of more than 500 patients presenting with reflectory cough. All these patients received the combined treatment including 10 procedures for intracutaneous novocaine blockade of the Zakhar’in- Geda zones in the larynx in the combination with auricular reflexotherapy and respiratory gymnastics intended to eliminate hyperventilation and sedative medications and myorelaxants to remove the pathologically enhanced muscle tone as well as calcium-containing preparations if indicated.
Expediency and prospects of a vaccinal prevention of whooping cough without age restrictions
01.01.2018 |
Mikheeva I.
Saltykova T.
Mikheeva M.
Jurnal Infektologii |
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2019 © Interregional public organization Association of infectious disease specialists of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad region (IPO AIDSSPbR). All Rights Reserved. The goal of study was the epidemiological substantiation of optimization measures of a vaccinal prevention of whooping cough in the Russian Federation. Materials and methods. The retrospective descriptive epidemiological research has been conducted by analysis of the official statistical data on the whooping cough case rate (form No. 2) in 2005-2017 in the Russian Federation, as well as the data about preventive whooping cough inoculations (forms No. 5, No. 6) in 2005-2017 and about epidemic outbreakes in 2017 (form No. 23-17). The assessment of an economic damage from whooping cough in 2005-2017 has been carried out. Results. The following adverse characteristics of a modern epidemiological situation on whooping cough in Russia are shown: long-term recurrence of epidemic process, tendency of rising of a case rate of children of 0-2 years; high percentage of children of preschool and school age among whooping cough cases; prevalence among the patients with whooping cough of the children who have been vaccinated against this infection previously, epidemic outbreakes in children's collectives, the stability of a case rate of teenagers and adults with prevalence of the mild and the erased clinical forms of this infection. The risks due to weaknesses of the whooping cough vaccinal prevention are noted: the insufficient immunization coverage owing to falce contraindications and refusals of parents of vaccinations of children, noncompliance with terms and intervals between inoculations, lack of domestic vaccine for revaccination of children at the age of 5 years and older. Conclusion. It is necessary to introduce in the national vaccination schedule a preschool booster dose for children at the age of 6 and adolescents at 14 years with the combined reduced antigen content tetanus-diphtheria and acellular pertussis vaccines as well as the inoculations of this vaccine according to epidemiological indications to health workers, employees of educational institutions. A revaccination against whooping cough is recommended as “cocoon” for the persons contacting to not vaccinated child under 1 year of age.
Features of a course of pertussis-like illnesses caused by bordetella holmesii
01.01.2018 |
Petrova M.
Borisova A.
Aleshkin V.
Afanasiev S.
Shamsheva O.
Urban Y.
Borisova O.
Pimenova A.
Aleshkin A.
Afanasiev M.
Vlasov E.
Bunin S.
Voprosy Prakticheskoi Pediatrii |
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© 2018, Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved. The objective. To estimate a clinical picture of the pertussis-like illnesses caused by Bordetella holmesii. Patients and methods. The research is conducted in Infectious diseases clinical hospital No 1 of the Moscow Department of Healthcare. Under observation there were 7 children (from 1 month to 15 years). Examination is conducted by means of PCR-RT with the primers the IS481, ptxA, IS1001 and hIS1001 for identification of fragments of genomes of B. holmesii, B. pertussis and B. parapertussis, and by means of the AmplySens® Bordetella Multi-FL test system for identification of B. pertussis, B. parapertussis and B. bronchiseptica DNA. Results. At 6 children the disease proceeded an easy form, from them in five children in clinical samples DNA of B. holmesii also is found in one child – B. holmesii and B. parapertussis DNA; at 1 child (1 month) the disease proceeded in a medium-weight form, and B. holmesii and DNA of B. pertussis is found in him in a sample. In a clinical picture of the pertussis-like illnesses caused by B. holmesii at all children the symptoms characteristic of the course of the whooping cough caused by B. pertussis were observed: whooping cough, with office of a transparent phlegm, with hyperaemia of the person. But the disease proceeded in easier form, the health of the child didn't suffer, respiratory frustration weren't observed, duration of a disease was much shorter. Conclusion. The research demonstrates circulation of B. holmesii in the territory of the Russian Federation. At allocation of B. holmesii pertussis-like symptoms are noted, however easier current including at children of early age is registered.
Современный подход к консервативному лечению больных с послеоперационным двусторонним нарушением подвижности голосовых складок
Свистушкин В. М.
Карпова О. Ю.
Несвижский Юрий Владимирович
Вестник оториноларингологии |
Цель работы — совершенствование диагностики и лечения односторонних параличей возвратных гортанных нервов с преходящим рефлекторным спазмом функционирующей голосовой складки. Проведено обследование и лечение 49 больных (46 женщин и 3 мужчин) в возрасте от 21 года до 75 лет с односторонним параличом возвратного гортанного нерва и преходящим рефлекторным спазмом функционирующей голосовой складки, возникшим вследствие операции на щитовидной железе. Для диагностики и объективизации результатов лечения проводились электромиографический тест на скрытую тетанию, исследование уровня ионизированного кальция крови и видеоларингостробоскопия. Лечение включало дыхательную гимнастику, рефлексотерапию (новокаиновые блокады зон Захарьина—Геда для гортани, аурикулотерапию), медикаментозную терапию (витаминно-кальциевая терапия, миорелаксанты и седативные препараты), фонопедию. У всех 49 больных был восстановлен достаточно громкий и звучный голос, а также нормализовано дыхание и прекращены или минимизированы приступы рефлекторного кашля и ларингоспазмы. Ни одному больному в дальнейшем не потребовалось проведение трахеотомии.
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Современный подход к консервативному лечению больных с послеоперационным двусторонним нарушением подвижности голосовых складок
Свистушкин В. М. (Заведующий кафедрой)
Карпова О. Ю. (Профессор)
Несвижский Юрий Владимирович (Профессор)
Вестник оториноларингологии |
Цель работы — совершенствование диагностики и лечения односторонних параличей возвратных гортанных нервов с преходящим рефлекторным спазмом функционирующей голосовой складки. Проведено обследование и лечение 49 больных (46 женщин и 3 мужчин) в возрасте от 21 года до 75 лет с односторонним параличом возвратного гортанного нерва и преходящим рефлекторным спазмом функционирующей голосовой складки, возникшим вследствие операции на щитовидной железе. Для диагностики и объективизации результатов лечения проводились электромиографический тест на скрытую тетанию, исследование уровня ионизированного кальция крови и видеоларингостробоскопия. Лечение включало дыхательную гимнастику, рефлексотерапию (новокаиновые блокады зон Захарьина—Геда для гортани, аурикулотерапию), медикаментозную терапию (витаминно-кальциевая терапия, миорелаксанты и седативные препараты), фонопедию. У всех 49 больных был восстановлен достаточно громкий и звучный голос, а также нормализовано дыхание и прекращены или минимизированы приступы рефлекторного кашля и ларингоспазмы. Ни одному больному в дальнейшем не потребовалось проведение трахеотомии.
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