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Determining the sex-specific distributions of average daily alcohol consumption using cluster analysis: is there a separate distribution for people with alcohol dependence?
01.12.2021 |
Jiang H.
Lange S.
Tran A.
Imtiaz S.
Rehm J.
Population Health Metrics |
10.1186/s12963-021-00261-4 |
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Background: It remains unclear whether alcohol use disorders (AUDs) can be characterized by specific levels of average daily alcohol consumption. The aim of the current study was to model the distributions of average daily alcohol consumption among those who consume alcohol and those with alcohol dependence, the most severe AUD, using various clustering techniques. Methods: Data from Wave 1 and Wave 2 of the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions were used in the current analyses. Clustering algorithms were applied in order to group a set of data points that represent the average daily amount of alcohol consumed. Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) were then used to estimate the likelihood of a data point belonging to one of the mixture distributions. Individuals were assigned to the clusters which had the highest posterior probabilities from the GMMs, and their treatment utilization rate was examined for each of the clusters. Results: Modeling alcohol consumption via clustering techniques was feasible. The clusters identified did not point to alcohol dependence as a separate cluster characterized by a higher level of alcohol consumption. Among both females and males with alcohol dependence, daily alcohol consumption was relatively low. Conclusions: Overall, we found little evidence for clusters of people with the same drinking distribution, which could be characterized as clinically relevant for people with alcohol use disorders as currently defined.
Method using parallel computations and clustering in the problem of genotyping HLA
01.01.2018 |
Altukhova O.
Borovikov P.
Balashov I.
Trofimov D.
Garmash A.
Komarov T.
Lebedev G.
Procedia Computer Science |
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© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Identification of genes variants (alleles) in organisms can become a time-consuming task due to great diversity. Polymorphism is also a feature of HLA, the main complex of human histocompatibility. Errors in sequencing can also cause incorrect determination of alleles. The authors of the paper propose a method for analyzing high-performance sequencing data, which allows observing high accuracy in the problem of genotyping HLA.
New binding mode of SLURP protein to α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor revealed by computer simulations
01.01.2018 |
Diankin I.
Kudryavtsev D.
Zalevsky A.
Tsetlin V.
Golovin A.
Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations |
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© The Author 2018. SLURP-1 is a member of three-finger toxin-like proteins. Their characteristic feature is a set of three beta strands extruding from hydrophobic core stabilized by disulfide bonds. Each betastrand carries a flexible loop, which is responsible for recognition. SLURP-1 was recently shown to act as an endogenous growth regulator of keratinocytes and tumor suppressor by reducing cell migration and invasion by antagonizing the pro-malignant effects of nicotine. This effect is achieved through allosteric interaction with α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (alpha-7 nAChRs) in an antagonist-like manner. Moreover, this interaction is unaffected by several well-known agents specifically alpha-bungarotoxin. In this work, we carry out the conformational analysis of the SLURP-1 by a microsecond-long full-atom explicit solvent molecular dynamics simulations followed by clustering, to identify representative states. To achieve this timescale we employed a GPU-accelerated version of GROMACS modeling package. To avoid human bias in clustering we used a non-parametric clustering algorithm Affinity Propagation adapted for biomolecules and HPC environments. Then, we applied protein-protein molecular docking of the ten most massive clusters to α7-nAChRs in order to test if structural variability can affect binding. Docking simulations revealed the unusual binding mode of one of the minor SLURP-1 conformations.