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Trabecular bone attenuation and velocity assess by ultrasound pulse-echoes
01.01.2020 |
Rusnak I.
Rosenberg N.
Halevy-Politch J.
Applied Acoustics |
10.1016/j.apacoust.2019.107007 |
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© 2019 Elsevier Ltd Attenuation and velocity (Speed-of-Sound) in a trabecular bone were calculated and evaluated from ultrasound pulse-echoes detection and their processing, applying a single US transducer that operates in transmit/receive mode. The processing of US pulse-echoes utilized development of algorithms for the attenuation and the Speed-of-Sound in trabecular bone. These ultra-sound pulse-echoes were obtained from the front and rear surfaces of a trabecular bone sample. The motivation for this work was to develop an efficient intraosseous monitoring device that provides the Speed-of-Sound and attenuation intraoperatively and in real-time and therefore can be implemented during a surgery. Ultrasonic measurements were performed in the frequency range of 3.5–6.5 [MHz]. In these experiments, the fresh trabecular bone samples were from sheep femora and humerus. The measuring results were correlated (R2 ≥ 0.95) with those obtained previously, mainly during transmission mode studies. According to the obtained results, the presented method presumably will be utilized as a clinical tool in bone surgical procedures and therefore will be able to provide better outcomes, while monitoring intraoperatively and in real-rime intraosseous trabecular bone attenuation and its velocity: In the next stage of this study, the method will be carried out on human tissues and also intraoperatively, during human clinical trials. It is planned to perform it on long bones/tibia, vertebra, in neurosurgery – for drilling the skull and also in dental implantation surgery.
Lung tissue attenuation pattern in the chest computer tomography: Pathogenesis, clinical role, and differential diagnosis
01.01.2018 |
Karnaushkina M.
Aver’yanov A.
Lesnyak V.
Pulmonologiya |
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© 2018 Medical Education. All Rights Reserved. Chest computed tomography (CT) helps better understanding clinical and pathological features of respiratory diseases. However, interpretation of CT images is difficult without information on clinical course of the disease in the given patient. Therefore, the definite diagnosis could be reached through cooperation of a clinician and a radiologist. This publication presents a lecture aimed at improving a physician's knowledge on interpretation of lung computed tomography (CT) patterns including imaging, structure and extension of abnormal signs. This information is believed to help the clinician to diagnose and differentiate pulmonary diseases based both on CT syndromes and clinical signs. A particular attention is paid on lung tissue attenuation pattern as the most common chest CT abnormality that includes five key entities, such as ground glass opacity, mosaic attenuation, consolidation, atelectasis, and soft-tissue mass.