AMEE webinar - Burnout and engagement among PhD students in medicine: the BEep Study


The rise in mental health issues among PhD students is a global problem. A PhD trajectory is a period of intense work with many ups and downs.
How this trajectory is experienced by PhD students is dependent on internal factors within the student and external factors related to the supervision team, the organisational infrastructure and culture.

Date: Friday 21 January 2022

Time: 15:30 hrs (MSK) 

Educational Needs or Gaps to be Addressed:
In this webinar Rashmi Kusurkar will present the results of her study on burnout and engagement of PhD students in medicine in their work using the framework of Self-determination Theory.
Aim/Learning Objectives:
1. To make PhD students aware of factors associated with burnout and engagement in PhD work.
2. To engage PhD students in a conversation about stressors and energisers in their PhD work.  
Format and Interactivity:
Flipped classroom presentation of articles in Perspectives on Medical Education ( and Medical Teacher (, followed by reporting result of discussions in the plenary session.

Anticipated Outcomes:
1.  PhD students understand factors associated with burnout and well-being while pursuing PhD trajectories.
2.  PhD students get concrete tips on what can be done to avoid a burnout and to be more engaged in their PhD work.

Target Audience:
PhD students, postdocs, supervisors.

Rashmi Kusurkar, Amsterdam UMC, Faculty of Medicine Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
with Lara Teheux, Radboudumc Amalia Children's Hospital, The Netherlands
and Sai Sreenidhi Ram, Institute for Medical Education (IML), University of Bern, Switzerland