Genetic and biochemical features of the monogenic hereditary urolithiasis
01.01.2018 |
Mikhaylenko D.
Prosyannikov M.
Baranova A.
Nemtsova M.
Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya |
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© 2018 Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. All Rights Reserved. Urolithiasis is a common urological problem. In most cases, this multifactorial pathology develops due to the combination of inherited low-penetrance gene variants and environment factors such as urinary tract infections and unbalanced diet. However, some cases are monogenic. These hereditary forms of urolithiasis manifest in childhood, and are characterized by multiple, bilateral and recurrent kidney stones and progress to chronic renal failure relatively early. Due to widening acceptance of exome and gene panel sequencing, substantially larger percentages of urolithiasis cases are now attributed to hereditary causes, up to 20% among patients of 18 years old or younger. Here we review genetic and biochemical mechanisms of urolithiasis, with an emphasis on its hereditary forms, including fermentopathies (primary hyperoxaluria, adenine phosphorobosyltransferase deficiency, phosphoribosyl-pyrophosphate-synthetase deficiency, xanthinuria, Lesch-Nihan syndrome) and these caused by membrane transport alterations (Dent's disease, familial hypomagnesia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis, hypophosphatemic urolithiasis, distal tubular acidosis, cystinuria, Bartter's syndrome). We suggest a comprehensive gene panel for NGS diagnostics of the hereditary urolithiasis. It is expected that accurate and timely diagnosis of hereditary forms of urolithiasis would enable the counselling of the carriers in affected families, and ensure personalized management of the patients with these conditions.
Myocarditis as a legitimate phenomenon in non-compaction myocardium: Diagnostics, management and influence on outcomes
01.01.2018 |
Blagova O.
Pavlenko V.
Varionchik N.
Nedostup V.
Sedov V.
Zaydenov V.
Kupriyanova G.
Kadochnikova V.
Gagarina N.
Sinitsyn V.
Zaklyazminskaya V.
Russian Journal of Cardiology |
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© 2018, Silicea-Poligraf. All rights reserved. Aim. To evaluate the prevalence of myocarditis in adult patients with non-compaction myocardium (NCM) of the left ventricle (LV), and its influence on the disease course, results of treatment and outcomes. Material and methods. To the study, 103 adult patients included, with NCM, 61 males, mean age 45,6±14,9 y. o. (from 18 to 78). Mean end diastolic LV size was 6,0±0,8 сm, EF LV 38,8±14,5%. Diagnosis of NCM had been done by echocardiography, multispiral computed tomography (n=81) and magnetic resonance tomography (n=39). DNA-diagnostics was performed by NGS method with further Senger sequencing. Pathogenic mutations were found in 9% of patients in the genes MYH7, MyBPC3, LAMP2, DES, DSP, TTN. The investigation also included anticardiac antibodies, genome of cardiotropic viruses by PCR, coronary arteriography (n=26), scintigraphy (n=25). Morphological assessment of the myocardium was done in 19 patients (12 endomyocardial biopsies), 1 intraoperation biopsy, 3 explanted hearts, incl. 2 after biopsy, and 5 autopsies. Mean follow-up 12 [2; 32] months. Results. Myocarditis was found in 53,4%, incl. virus-positive in 32,7% of those, with morphology done for 19 patients (active myocarditis in 10, borderline in 6; with minimal signs of activeness in 3). Viral genome in myocardium found in 8 patients (42,1%). The prevalence of myocarditis 44,4% in an arrhythmic variant of NCM, 12,5% in chronic ischemic, 57,5% in dilation cardiomyopathy, 50,0% in NCM patients with other cardiomyopathies. Special cases were acute/subacute myocarditis in NCM (10,7% of all), acute necrosis (infarction) in 4,9%. Comorbidity with myocarditis in NCM led to significantly more severe LV dysfunction (CHF FC 2 [1; 3] v 1,75 [0; 2], p<0,01, EF 33,8±13,5 v 44,7±13,6%, p<0,001), more prevalent non-sustained ventricular tachycardia (67,3% v 29,3%, p<0,01), proper shocks (38,9% v 0, p<0,05), deaths (16,4 and 4,2%, OR 5,75, 95% CI 1,21-27,43, p<0,05) and transplantation (7,3% v 2,1%, p>0,05). Only in myocarditis patients, as a result of basis (antiviral, immune suppression) and cardiotropic therapy there was significant increase of EF (in acute myocarditis from 25,4±7,9 to 38,6±9,5%, p<0,01), decrease of LV size and pulmonary systolic pressure. Conclusion. Myocarditis is typical phenomenon developing in patients with the primary, i. e. genetically verified NCM. The nature of myocarditis in NCM varies (primary infectious-autoimmune, secondary as a response on genetic/ischemic damage of cardiomyocytes), however regardless of this, it leads to significant worsening of structural and functional parameters, increase of the life-threatening arrhythmias rate, and outcomes (death + transplantation, proper shocks), demanding for active basic therapy.
Development and evaluation of a RT-qPCR assay for fast and sensitive rabies diagnosis
01.01.2018 |
Dedkov V.
Deviatkin A.
Safonova M.
Blinova E.
Shchelkanov M.
Sidorov G.
Simonova E.
Shipulin G.
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease |
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© 2017 Elsevier Inc. Rabies virus is endemic to Russia, among other countries. It is therefore critical to develop a high-quality and high-precision diagnostic procedure for the control and prevention of infection. The main objective of the research presented here was to develop a reliable RT-qPCR assay for rabies diagnostics. For this purpose, a RABV strains from various biological and geographical origins were used. In addition, rabies-positive and rabies-negative samples, as well as nucleic acids from other viruses and DNA extracted from the brain tissues of mice, dogs, cats, bats and humans, were studied using the developed assay. The analytical sensitivity of the assay, as assessed using armored recombinant positive control dilutions, was 103 copies/ml, and the sensitivity measured using characterized strains was between 0.1 LD50/ml and 1.0 LD50/ml. A broad range of RNA from RABV strains circulating in different regions of Russia, as well as RNA from RABV-positive primary brain samples from 81 animals and two humans, was detected using the developed assay. No false-positive or false-negative results were obtained. Given that high analytical and diagnostic sensitivities and a high specificity were verified for this assay, it has high potential as a screening test that may be suitable for the epizootiological monitoring of animals and for the fast postmortem diagnosis of rabies.