Possibilities of postmortem radiological studies for evaluation of lung lesions
01.01.2018 |
Tumanova U.
Serova N.
Bychenko V.
Shchegolev A.
Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology |
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© 2018 Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology. All rights reserved. Purpose. The literature data and the results of our own research, which demonstrate the possibilities of using radiological research methods for the analysis of the lungs lesions in deceased patients, are presented. It is shown that the postmortem computed tomography (CT) allows to identify abnormalities of the chest bones, as well as to establish the presence, precise localization and volume of gas and air accumulations, including pneumothorax. The literature data on the comparison of postmortem CT lung characteristics, including the density of their tissue, with data of histological examination of lung preparations and causes of death in adult patients, are presented. It is noted that postmortem magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is more expedient for the detection of the lungs pathology in dead fetuses and deceased newborns. The possibilities of postmortem MRI for the diagnosis of congenital pneumonia, hemorrhages in the lung tissue, pulmonary edema, hydrothorax, as well as for differential diagnosis of stillbirth and the death of a living newborn are shown. Differential diagnostic signs of pulmonary artery thromboembolism and postmortem blood clots are indicated. The possibilities of postmortem CT and MRI for noninvasive determination of the sizes and weight of the lungs, including for assessment of pulmonary hypoplasia in newborns with congenital diaphragmatic hernia, are described. It is concluded that the postmortem radiological methods of investigation can be used to analyze of the lung lesions and determine the causes of death. The combined use of CT and MRI is recommended for a full analysis. It is emphasized that postmortem radiological examination can not be an alternative to pathological and forensic autopsy. Radiological methods should be used as a supplement to the autopsy, including as a kind of "guide" for a better definition of pathological processes during the autopsy.
Organ donation and transplantation in Russian Federation in 2017 10th report of the national registry
01.01.2018 |
Gautier S.
Khomyakov S.
Vestnik Transplantologii i Iskusstvennykh Organov |
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© 2018 Russian Transplant Society. All rights reserved. Aim. To analyse the status and trends in the development of organ donation and organ transplantation in the Russian Federation according to 2017 data. Materials and methods. The survey of heads of transplantation centers was conducted. A comparative analysis of the data obtained in the dynamics of years, between individual subjects of the Russian Federation, the centers of transplantation is performed. Results. According to the register in 2017 in Russia there were only 41 centers for kidney transplantation, 24 liver and 16 hearts. The waiting list for kidney transplantation in 2017 included 5,531 potential recipients, which is approximately 13.8% of the total number of 40,000 patients receiving dialysis. The level of donor activity in 2017 was 3.8 per million of the population, while the share of multiorgan seizures was 66.5%, the average number of organs received from one effective donor was 2.8. In 2017, the level of kidney transplantation was 8.0 per million of the population, the liver transplantation index was 3.0 per million of the population; the rate of heart transplantation is 1.7 per million of the population. In 2017 the number of transplants in Russia increased by 11.3% compared to 2016. There are 11 transplantation centers on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow Region, and half of all kidney transplants and 70% of all liver and heart transplantations are performed. The number of patients with transplanted organs in the Russian Federation is approaching 13,000. Conclusion. In the Russian Federation there is a strong tendency to increase the number of effective donors and to increase the number of organ transplants, and the number of transplant centers is also increasing. In recent years, the country has created prerequisites for the development of organ donation and transplantation: the regulatory and legal framework, public donation funding, material and technical base, etc. In the coming years, positive experience and organizational patterns of organ donation and transplantation from successful regions in Other subjects of the Russian Federation for building effective programs. The leading role in this process should be played by the Academician V.I. Shumakov Federal Research Center of Transplantology and Artificial Organs.
Lung transplantation for idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension: Perioperational features
01.01.2018 |
Poptsov V.
Spirina E.
Pashkov I.
Belikova A.
Oleshkevich D.
Latipov R.
Tsirulnikova O.
Epremian A.
Shigaev E.
Gautier S.
Vestnik Transplantologii i Iskusstvennykh Organov |
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© 2018 Russian Transplant Society. All Rights Reserved. Lung transplantation (LT) for idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) now is the only radical treatment of this disease. Aim: to analyze own experience of performing LT in patients with IPAH. Materials and methods. 8 adult IPAH patients, who underwent LT between 2014 and october 2018, were included. In 7 of 8 patients undergoing bilateral lung transplantation on intraoperative venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA ECMO) with prolongation into the postoperative period. Results. VA ECMO support was prolonged into postoperative period 6 and 7 days respectively in 2 (25,0%) patients and 3 days in 6 (75,0%) patients. Hospital mortality in IPAH patients was 1. Conclusions. Own experience demonstrates that LT is an effective method of treatment in patients with IPAH. Hospital, 1- and 3-year survival rates for the patient collective were 87.5, 75.0 and 75.0% respectively.
Magnetic resonance imaging of the heart in the diagnosis of sarcoidosis
01.01.2018 |
Stukalova O.
Meladze N.
Ivanova D.
Shvecz T.
Gaman S.
Butorova E.
Guchaev R.
Kostyukevich M.
Ternovoy S.
Terapevticheskii Arkhiv |
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© 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Heart sarcoidosis diagnosis presents great difficulties due to the absence of specific clinical manifestations. Most often, the diagnosis is established during autopsy. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the heart with contrast enhancement is one of the most informative methods of intravital diagnosis of cardiac sarcoidosis. In this article, two clinical cases, shows the role of MRI of the heart with contrast enhancement in the diagnosis of cardiac sarcoidosis.
Radiological methods in diagnosis, evaluation of the lung resection volume, planning of thoracoplasty and efficacy monitoring of the surgical treatment of expanded destructive pulmonary multi-drug resistant (MDR) tuberculosis
01.01.2018 |
Giller D.
Ratobylsky G.
Nikitin M.
Koroev V.
Frolova O.
Shekhter A.
Ots O.
Grigoriev Y.
Lavrov V.
Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology |
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© 2018 Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology.All right reserved. Purpose: Demonstration of various radiological methods possibilities in diagnosis, evaluation of the lung resection volume, planning of thoracoplasty and efficacy monitoring of the surgical treatment of destructive pulmonary multi-drug resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB). Results: Plain chest film revealed a widespread pulmonary tuberculosis inflammation. With CT application, the nature and prevalence of pulmonary parenchymal involvement was clarified, indications and volume of complex surgical intervention were determined, and surgical treatment efficacy was controlled. Digital tomosynthesis application determined the state of the lung tissue after resection and the volume of the planned postponed thoracoplasty. Discussion: Taking into account the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in our country, the similarity of its clinical and radiological picture with a number of other pathological processes, as well as the polymorphism of alterations, it is necessary to know the pathomorphological, clinical and radiological manifestations of this disorder. A reliable assessment of the respiratory organs state according to the radiography data has objective limits due to the presence of a cumulative effect and other factors. So, CT is the priority method in diagnosis, evaluation of lung resection volume, planning of thoracoplasty, and monitoring of surgical treatment efficacy. Due to layer-by-layer visualization, the method of digital tomosynthesis makes it possible to obtain additional information, in comparison with radiographic data, in pulmonary parenchyma state assessment at pre- and postoperative stages, which indicates the prospects of its application in solving this tasks. Conclusion: Due to modern radiological methods in the study of respiratory organs TB, the question of the expediency of surgical treatment or refusal in favor of conservative therapy is solved, which is of particular relevance in patients with MDR TB. Accurate determination of lung resection and thoracoplasty volume significantly reduces the risk of postoperative complications, which contributes to improving the quality of life of the patient. A correct control of respiratory TB surgical treatment efficacy with CT application allows estimating the state of the zone of interest, and timely reveal the relapse of a specific process.