Репозиторий Университета

The organizational aspects of early diagnostic of metabolic syndrome on the basis of implementation of new genetic, cellular and bio-informational technologies

  • Khabriev R.
  • Kakorina E.
  • Kuzmina L.
  • Fishman B.
  • Prozorova I.
  • Raff S.
  • Abdulin A.
  • Iukhno M.
Дата публикации:01.09.2019
Журнал: Problemy sotsial'noi gigieny, zdravookhraneniia i istorii meditsiny
Ссылка: SCOPUS


The characteristic feature of molecular medicine as medicine based on molecular structure of human genome data, is its individual character. It is focused on correcting pathological process in specific individual considering unique characteristics of its genome. The other most important feature is its expressed preventive direction. The complete genome information can be obtained well before the onset of disease. The appropriate preventive measures can completely eliminate or significantly prevent development of severe disease. The establishment of gene network of every multi-factorial disease, identification of central genes and genes-modifiers in it, analysis of association of their alleles with disease, development on this basis of set of preventive measures for specific patient constitute conceptual and methodological basis of predictive medicine. As a result of the examination, information can be obtained concerning particular risk of disease development. The physician, considering the results of molecular genetic analysis, elaborates tactics of pathogenetically justified preventive therapy, i.e. corrects congenital metabolic defect.

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