Heart failure is a complex syndrome whose phenotypic presentation and disease progression depends on a complex network of adaptive and maladaptive responses. One of these responses is the endothelial release of NRG (neuregulin)-1-a paracrine growth factor activating ErbB2 (erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog B2), ErbB3, and ErbB4 receptor tyrosine kinases on various targets cells. NRG-1 features a multitasking profile tuning regenerative, inflammatory, fibrotic, and metabolic processes. Here, we review the activities of NRG-1 on different cell types and organs and their implication for heart failure progression and its comorbidities. Although, in general, effects of NRG-1 in heart failure are compensatory and beneficial, translation into therapies remains unaccomplished both because of the complexity of the underlying pathways and because of the challenges in the development of therapeutics (proteins, peptides, small molecules, and RNA-based therapies) for tyrosine kinase receptors. Here, we give an overview of the complexity to be faced and how it may be tackled.