Репозиторий Университета

Recombination in the rabies virus and other lyssaviruses

  • Девяткин Андрей Андреевич (старший научный сотрудник, лаборатория молекулярной биохимии)
  • Лукашев Александр Николаевич (Директор ФГБНУ ИПВЭ им.М.П.Чумакова, зав.лаб, НИИМПиТМ им.Е.И.Марциновского, Первого МГМУ им. И.М.Сеченова в.н.с.)
Журнал: Infection, Genetics and Evolution
БД: Scopus, WOS


Recombination is a common event in RNA viruses; however, in the rabies virus there have been only a few reports of isolated recombination events. Comprehensive analysis found traces of recent recombination events within Arctic, Arctic-like and Africa 1b rabies virus groups, as well as recombination between distinct lyssaviruses. Recombination breakpoints were not linked to gene boundaries and could be detected all over the genome. However, there was no evidence that recombination is an important factor in the genetic variability of the rabies virus. It is therefore likely that recombination in the rabies virus is limited by ecological factors (e.g., rare co-circulation of distinguishable lineages and a narrow window for productive coinfection in most carnivore hosts), rather than molecular barriers (e.g., incompatibility of genome fragments).

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