Репозиторий Университета

Determination of cotinine in urine and wastewaters by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass-spectrometric detection

  • Jang M.
  • Pirogov A.
  • Maksimova A.
  • Dobrovolskiy V.
  • Stakheev A.
  • Abramova J.
  • Priadka A.
  • Jaricov A.
  • Nosyrev A.
  • Rozhanets V.
  • Shpigun O.
Дата публикации:01.01.2018
Журнал: Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin
БД: Scopus
Ссылка: Scopus


© Allerton Press, Inc., 2018. A technique of extracting cotinine in urine and wastewaters, followed by its quantitative determination, using high performance liquid chromatography combined with tandem mass-spectrometric detection is presented. The method is characterized by low detection limits and high levels of efficiency and sensitivity. The optimal conditions for the solid-phase extraction of cotinine from urine and wastewaters are found. This technique makes it possible to reliably estimate the content of cotinine in the urine of active and passive smokers and in wastewaters.

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