© 2018 Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved. The objective: The purpose of the study is to establish the role of infection with herpes simplex viruses type I and II in the pathogenesis of urogenital infection in pregnant women. Patients and methods: 89 patients of I, II trimester gestation, aged 18 to 35 years (average age of 27.5 ± 5.6 years) were examined. The design of the research and the methodology of verification of the UGI pathogens of pregnant women are presented in previously published materials. The establishment of character of pregnancy course (urgent delivery, premature birth, termination of pregnancy and mis-carriage), the presence or absence of infection and/or clinical manifestations of infectious and inflam-matory diseases, as well as evaluating the gene expression of TLR-2, TLR-3, TLR-4, TLR-8 (in relative units - RU) was conducted according to manuals. Results: It is established, that in UGI in pregnant combined viral-bacterial infection is registered. Viral component of UGI pathogens in pregnant women is presented by the association of viruses from the Herpesviridae family - herpes simplex viruses, Cytomega-lovirus, Epstein-Bar virus. Against the background of polyfactorial mechanisms of the pathogenesis of abortion, extra maximum activation of gene expression of TLR (22-23 RU or more) additional external factors, for example, infections can be an aggravating pathogenetic factor of miscarriage. Reduced expression of genes of TLR2, TLR4, TLR3 and TLR8 in the mucous membrane of the cervical canal in UGI of pregnant women in infection with herpes simplex virus due to the oppressive effect of pregnancy on the reaction of TLR, combined with the immunodepressive effect of the virus itself. With the violation of cellular part of immuno-logical reactivity of the body under the influence of adverse endogenous and exogenous factors on the process of pregnancy is activated the infectious process caused by the bacte-rial-viral pathogens association, which is accompanied by hyper reaction and increased reaction from the expression of genes of TLR, determines the pathological development of pregnancy. It is established that in the UGI of pregnant gene expression levels of TLR2-21.2 and above, TLR4-23.0 and above, TLR8 - 26.0 and above (the level of gene expression of TLR8 above 28 is the predictor of the onset of abortion and miscarriage) testify to the acute infectious process with the clinical manifestations of the UGI, and also indicates the possible interruption of pregnancy and miscarriage; levels of gene expression of TLR2 below 21.2, TLR4 below 23.0, TLR8 below 26.0, in-dicated a decrease in the severity of the infectious process and its chronicity, as well as the possibility of direct microbial damage to the tissues of UGT, placenta, and fetus. Conclusion: Verified in preg-nant women in 61% of cases clinical manifestations of the infectious process are necessarily associated with the verification of the association of herpes simplex viruses I and II type - triggers of infectious process deterioration, determining the prognosis and outcome of the development of the UGI in preg-nant.