© 2018, Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved. Literature data about biomechanical foundations of the development of foot pathologies in children and adolescents are analysed. The development and formation of anatomical structure of the foot as a flexible movable arch, and biomechanical specificities in human standing and walking are also considered. As has been noted, correct development and formation of the anatomical skeleton of the foot, its ligamentous-muscular apparatus and sole skin ensure its reliable functioning. As has been pointed out, understanding of the biomechanics of walking is extremely important for an orthopaedist when choosing a method of foot pathology correction, in particular, in rehabilitation of paediatric patients. The main functions of the foot have been specified – spring, balance, and propulsion. Most methods of diagnosing foot injury and disease, as a rule, are aimed at evaluating the spring function of the foot based on analysis of its anatomical structures. The conclusion has been made that the problem of correction and management of foot dysfunctions and pathologies should be solved as early as in childhood, which is possible only on the basis of complex consecutive implementation of a number of measures that include: diagnostics, choice of a way of correction, design and manufacturing of an individual orthosis (conservative method) or surgical treatment. Large-scale clinical testing of modern methods of podology and biomechanics in diagnosing and treatment of foot pathologies and correction of disorders of its stance function will contribute to progress in solving such a significant medico-social problem as foot disorders in childhood and adolescence.