Sechenov International Biomedical Summit-2018 (SIBS-2018) is going to be held at the Sechenov Biomedical Science & Technology Park (Sechenov University, Moscow, Russia) on May 21-23, 2018. Natureevents Directory, a satellite resource connected with Nature, the world’s foremost weekly multi-disciplinary science journal, has listed SIBS-2018 among the most significant events in life sciences.
‘Plenary sessions and panel discussions at SIBS are chaired by exceptional researchers and serve as platforms where ingenious ideas are exchanged in vigorous debates and partnerships are established with ease’ says the SIBS-2018 page on Natureevents Directory website. This year SIBS is going to be focused on life-long health management – a concept of managing one's health from family planning to healthy longevity.
This concept defines the key research direction of Sechenov University by consolidating the efforts of researchers, clinicians and entrepreneurs. 'Sechenov University produces knowledge and innovation for tackling today's global challenges; one of these is a life-long health management concept that is a subject of biomedicine.
Biomedicine itself presents a prominent example of an effective multidisciplinary collaboration. Physicians, biologists, chemists, physicists, cytologists and biomaterials specialists, programmers, mathematicians and bioinformaticians all unite to improve human health. Life-long health management from family planning to healthy longevity defines the key research direction of the Sechenov University and shapes the second SIBS agenda' says Prof. Petr V. Glybochko, Sechenov University Rector, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Traditionally, plenary sessions and round tables of SIBS are going to be visited by world's leading experts in biomedicine and will serve as great platforms for exchanging knowledge and starting new collaborations between scientists, students and entrepreneurs. Current drug design, molecular markers and targets of human disease, biomaterials in regenerative medicine, bionic technology & engineering, personalized medicine and 3D-bioprinting are going to be the hot topics of this year's Summit. Moreover, SIBS includes oral presentations of young researchers and poster sessions for undergraduates and PhD students.
'These days, biomedicine unites both fields of knowledge and demonstrates rapid development and successful implementation of a multidisciplinary approach. If you do not want to be left out, you have a great chance to join the Sechenov International Biomedical Summit' says Harald zur Hausen, Nobel prize winner (Physiology or Medicine, 2008) and Professor Emeritus of Sechenov University, who opened Nobel Talks @SechenovUniversity, Science Communication Project of Sechenov University that incorporated the first SIBS in 2017.
A geographical distribution of the Summit's speakers proves its international status: our speakers come from the USA, UK, Germany, Italy, China, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland and, obviously, Russia with more than 500 expected participants. SIBS participants are also going to hear talks of the members of the Sechenov University International Advisory Council: Rudolf Valenta (Director, Institute for Pathophysiology and Allergology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria), Roman Zubarev (Head of Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Professor of Medical Proteomics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden), Jeffrey Newton (Ex-Vice-President for Development, MIT, USA) and Teruhito Mochizuki (Director, Institute for Radiotherapy, Medical Faculty, University of Ehime, Japan).
As a reminder, in 2017 Sechenov University arranged the first International Biomedical Summit that became one of the biggest biomedical conferences in Russia and impressed its participants with its unique format.
Hence, it is our pleasure to invite you to advertise the event and interview the Summit participants! The Summit is going to take place on May 21st-23rd, 2018, at the Sechenov University Congress-Hall (Moscow, Trubetskaya ul. 8). The opening ceremony is going to be held on May 21st at 9 pm at the Pirogov Hall of the Congress-Hall. For accreditation purposes please contact us via or call 8 (495) 609-14-00 #2063, 8 (903) 71170-11.
The Summit preliminary programme is available at