Preparing doctors of the future: digital technologies should meet current challenges of medical education
6 ноября 2018
Preparing doctors of the future: digital technologies should meet current challenges of medical education

Digital transformation has a significant impact on the future of higher medical education in Russia. Sechenov University takes an active part in digital transformation of the national healthcare system.             
All graduates of Sechenov University should be able to work with modern digital technologies and information systems that are used in health care. 

“Today every doctor should be aware of modern information technologies. Moreover all doctors must understand basics of electronic document management, use telemedicine technologies & mathematical methods for medical data processing and medical decision-making. This year we have introduced information systems course with a common basic part specialty training,"- noted Mr. Georgy Lebedev, Director of the Institute of Digital Medicine, head of the Department of Information and IT-technologies. 

Sechenov University has launched bachelor degree program in Information Systems and Technologies and master degree program in Information Systems and Technologies in Medicine.
Such specialists will be able to organize information systems implementation in a medical organization, to provide electronic document management system, and to apply these technologies in treatment process, for example, to organize Telemedicine Office or Hospital at Home programs.