Sechenov University initiated establishment of the Association of eLearning in Medical Education
19 февраля 2019

no-translate-detected_1232-651.jpgBesides Sechenov University several Russian medical universities have also joined the Association of eLearning in Medical Education. The national e-learning resource should become a cloud-based platform integrated with digital workplaces of the medical staff. 

The Association will be based at the Institute of eLearning in Medical Education of Sechenov University, which was opened in March 2018. The Institute is aimed at promotion of e-learning approaches that will help in improving quality of medical education. One of the main goals of the Institute is to develop and to create a single electronic environment in medical education at Sechenov University.

"The reason for establishment of such Association is explained by the needs of the professional medical community. Nowadays digital transformation substantially changes every aspect of the healthcare system. Therefore, it is necessary to create a special structure that coordinates, supports and develops digitization of the healthcare industry. In this regard, we have to unite universities and to introduce e-platform in medical training," – emphasized Prof. Petr V. Glybochko, the University’s rector.