Instrumental assessment of the face skin aging in women
01.01.2018 |
Manturova N.
Stupin V.
Smirnova G.
Silina E.
Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research |
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© 2018, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science. All rights reserved. The aim of this study is to conduct several non-invasive methods for assessing the level of circulatory disturbance, elasticity and aging of skin in patients of different age groups in order to expand the diagnostic capabilities and evaluate the effectiveness of current research in aesthetic medicine. Clinical and instrumental exploration of 160 women aged 17 to 75 years with varying degrees of involutional skin changes was carried out. To objectify the assessment of skin condition, in all group of patients modern instrumental methods were used, such as: elastometry, ultrasound examination of the skin, laser Doppler flowmetry, transcutaneous oxygen tension. Concurrent implementation of several non-invasive methods for assessing the level of circulatory disturbance, elasticity and aging of the skin, allowed us to find new possibilities for studying the functional state of the skin. These methods extend the possibilities of ultrasonic research methods used today in aesthetic cosmetology. The obtained comparative data of elastometry, ultrasonography, laser Doppler flowmetry and transcutaneous oximetry in patients of different age groups showed the presence of elasticity and structure defect, skin thickness and subcutaneous fat, as well as microcirculation changes since 25 years and marked changes after 40 years.
Three-dimensional acoustic analysis in diagnostics of structural and morphological changes of the eye in certain congenital pathologies
01.01.2018 |
Salikhova A.
Kharlap S.
Miroshnik N.
Eksarenko O.
Sherstneva L.
Vestnik Oftalmologii |
1 |
© 2018, Media Sfera. All rights reserved. Changes in ocular anatomy and topography that occur due to congenital development anomalies are often of complex, composite nature. Such pathologies are accompanied by not only refractive errors, but also changes in eye’s macrostructure. Careful analysis of the changes is necessary to better understand the clinical picture. Purpose - to study the specifics of structural and morphological changes of the eye in certain ocular congenital pathologies and in some orphan diseases using the results of three-dimensional ultrasound analysis and digital acoustic imaging. Material and methods. The study included 60 patients (119 eyes) with congenital ocular changes, some of which are registered as independent orphan diseases, as well as with systemic manifestations including congenital changes in eye membranes, lens and the vitreous body. The examination involved three-dimensional scanning followed by digital processing of the imaging data obtained using general medical ultrasound systems Voluson 730 Pro Kretz and Voluson E8. Results. Digital ultrasound technologies significantly expand the scope of data on eye morphology in various congenital changes obtainable in vivo. Conclusion. The advantage of this investigation method is the possibility to reliably detect congenital spatially complex morphological deformations in the eye tissues, which in some cases are impossible to observe with other methods.
Echographic and doppler ultrasound prognostic markers of lesions of the central nervous system in premature newborns
01.01.2018 |
Strizhakov A.
Popova N.
Ignatko I.
Voprosy Ginekologii, Akusherstva i Perinatologii |
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© 2018, Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved. The objective. Was to develop echographic and Doppler prognostic markers of lesions of the central nervous system (CNS) in premature newborns. Patients and methods. In accordance with the objective of the study we conducted a complex prospective examination of 196 pregnant women diagnosed with threatened preterm labour. The treatment group consisted of 166 women, whose pregnancy ended with spontaneous births at terms 22–36 wks, and premature newborns later developed various disorders of CNS. Results. We found morphological ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound specificities of fetal CNS against the background of threatened preterm labour depending on the term of gestation at the moment of birth and subsequent neurological disorders in premature infants. The most significant were changes of the ventriculo-cranial index, width of anterior horns of lateral ventricles, thalamo-occipital distance, systolic-diastolic ratio between vertebrobasilar vessels of the brain. Conclusion. Such a detailed prenatal diagnosis contributes to noninvasive prognostication of the severity of neurological lesions of CNS in premature infants. The results showed interrelations between perinatal outcomes and initial blood flow impairment of fetal CNS in 97% of observations.
Examination and evaluation of the normal facial anatomy of the fetus in the i trimester using 3D/4D echography
01.01.2018 |
Voevodin S.
Shemanaeva T.
Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology |
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© 2018 Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology. All rights reserved. The analysis of 523 ultrasound examinations of the face in fetuses in pregnancy 10-14 weeks. Studies performed using 2D/3D/4D equipment transabdominal and transvaginal accesses and different modes (surface, multiplane and multislice). Investigated and presented to the rendering capabilities of individual facial structures at different age of gestation. Presents new and original methods for the visualization of the hard palate. The high informativeness of 3D/4D echography, means and tools, and its advantages in assessing the anatomy of the face in the first trimester of pregnancy are shown.
Ultrasound examination with contrast in the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease. The results of the pilot study
01.01.2018 |
Fomin V.
Òernovoy S.
Makhov V.
Isaykina M.
Dzhenzhera N.
Turko T.
Ugryumova L.
Babenko O.
Terapevticheskii Arkhiv |
0 |
© 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Aim. Assessment of diagnostic significance of informativeness and security of ultrasonography with contrast enhancement drug SonoVue in the diagnosis of Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). Materials and methods. The pilot conducted a prospective study which involved 15 patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). All patients gave written consent to participate in the study and processing of personal data. The study included adult patients with an established diagnosis of UC and CD, with proven clinical activity of the disease. Activity was evaluated based on clinical and laboratory data on the scale of best (CDAI >150) for patients with CD and on a scale of Trulove-Witts (2-3 stage) and the Mayo index (DAI) for patients with UC. All the patients underwent colonoscopy with biopsy, ultrasound examination of abdominal cavity organs with the study of the vascularization of the intestinal wall (color Doppler, power Doppler, contrast study). Results. The use of contrast showed additional features in the instrumental evaluation of activity of inflammatory process, identification of complications and assessment of prognosis. Conclusion. The results of ultrasound of the bowel with contrast can be used to assess the activity and stage of disease in patients with UC or CD.
Comparison of different types of cutting devices in surgery (review)
01.01.2018 |
Stupin V.
Manturova N.
Donskikh A.
Silina E.
International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) |
0 |
© 2018 Authors. The present work presents a description of various cutting devices with an emphasis on skin surgery for the optimal choice of instruments in plastic surgery. Physical principles of work with a description of the biological role of an ultrasonic scalpel, various laser cutting devices, electrosurgical instruments, including radiofrequency electrosurgery, are described. Studies of recent years, including systematic reviews and meta-analyzes, are devoted to comparative analysis of various cutting and coagulating devices among themselves and in comparison with the mechanical metal scalpel.
Acoustic analysis of the lacrimal gland in sarcoidosis
01.01.2018 |
Kharlap S.
Safonova T.
Eksarenko O.
Vashkulatova E.
Avetisov S.
Vestnik oftalmologii |
0 |
PURPOSE: To analyze the condition of the lacrimal gland in patients confirmed to have sarcoidosis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included 46 patients (92 orbits) with verified diagnosis of systemic sarcoidosis that were examined during the period of 2009 to 2014. The age of patients ranged from 23 to 65 years and the average was 45.1 years. Among the examined patients, 66% were female and 34% male. In all patients, the diagnosis was verified according to modern criteria. RESULTS: Acoustic structure of 46 lacrimal glands of patients with systemic sarcoidosis (92 orbit), and lacrimal glands of 30 healthy individuals (60 orbits) were examined. In-depth in vivo examination of morphological changes was done using 'advanced' analysis of three-dimensional images. CONCLUSION: The analysis of a large number of studies devoted to changes in the lacrimal glands caused by sarcoidosis revealed a difficult problem: are there any differences between isolated involvement of the lacrimal gland tissue and the defeat of various organs and tissues? For now, the question remains unanswered.
Normal temporomandibular joint structure and function determined by ultrasound
01.01.2018 |
Bekreev V.
Ivanov S.
Burenchev D.
Gruzdeva T.
Yurkevich R.
Gharamyan B.
Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology |
0 |
© 2018 Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology. All rights reserved. Purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine ultrasound criteria of normal temporomandibular joint structure and function. Materials and methods. Prospective study was conducted upon normal 16 TMJs of 9 patients (4 male, 5 female with mean age of 22.9 years) without clinical or radiological signs of disc displacement. All the patients underwent high-resolution ultrasound (Samsung SONO ACE R3, 12 MHz linear probe) and MR imaging of TMJs with the mouth closed and during the maximal mandibular range of motion. Both examinations were performed and interpreted independently by blinded expert operators. Results. Mouth opening range varied from 4.4 cm to 5.4 cm, average amount was defined as 4.94 ± 0.39 cm. Also average heights of the front, middle and rear parts of disc were measured (0,42 ± 0,07 cm; 0,35 ± 0,07 cm and 0,41 ± 0,05 cm, respectively). Structure of the TMJ disc can be defined as fine-grained, hypoechoic and homogeneous. The average height of lower joint space was defined as 0,12 ± 0,03 cm. Average amount of maximal parasagittal mandible condyle movement was defined as 14.7 ± 1.38 mm. Conclusion. Obtained results of ultrasound criteria of normal temporomandibular joint structure and function correspond to the provisions of normal human anatomy and the norm values established for the MRI of the TMJ. Thus, ultrasound criteria of normal temporomandibular joint can be used for assessment of TMJ internal degenerative diseases.
Ultrasonic elastography of shear wave with elastometry in defining normative values of Young's modulus of elasticity of the ovaries in women of reproductive age
01.01.2018 |
Diomidova V.
Zakharova O.
Siordiya A.
Chameeva T.
Vinogradova V.
Voprosy Ginekologii, Akusherstva i Perinatologii |
0 |
© 2018 Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved. The objective: to study the diagnostic efficiency and to establish normative values of stiffness of ovaries in healthy women of reproductive age, using multiparametric ultrasound (MPUS), advanced with the 2DSWE mode. Patients and methods: In order to establish stiffness of structures of normal ovaries, MPUS with measurement of Jung's modulus in kPa of right and left ovary were held in 25 healthy women of reproductive age between the 5th-7thday of menstrual cycle. For more precise quantitative parameter of Jung's modulus, measurements were repeated at least in two menstrual cycles in every woman. Results: At ovarian MPUS with the 2DSWE technology, determination of stiffness of ovaries in healthy women of reproductive age was carried out at the average volume of ovary 4,9 ± 0,5 cm3(minimum is 3.7 cm3maximum of 6.9 cm3). In addition, in healthy women of reproductive age, quantitative indicators of Jung's modulus of stiffness of structures of ovary (2,5 - 97,5 percentile - 95% interval) were as follows: median Emean is 8.7 kPa (2,1 - 16,9), the SD of 2.6 kPa (0,7 - 4,1). Qualitative analysis of color elastomers obtained showed a uniform homogeneous blue background of intact ovaries in all cases of the study. Conclusion: When extending the algorithm of MPUS with the 2DSWE technology, the effectiveness of the method in the study of normative values of Jung's modulus of stiffness of ovaries in healthy women of reproductive age was 100%.
Giant ovarian mucinous cystadenoma in a 54-year-old woman
01.01.2018 |
Chuprynin V.
Buralkina N.
Chursin V.
Asaturova A.
Katkova A.
Zhurba A.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya (Russian Federation) |
0 |
© Bionika Media Ltd. Background. Ovarian cancer develops from benign tumors in 80% of cases during long-term follow-up. According to the literature, the incidence of giant ovarian cystadenoma is extremely low. There are difficulties in verifying these ovarian tumors. Description. The paper describes a rare clinical case of a 54-year-old patient with giant ovarian cystadenoma. It depicts the patient’s clinical, medical history, laboratory, and instrumental data and demonstrates the technical complexities of surgery and the features of postoperative management. Conclusion. The early diagnosis and timely treatment of ovarian tumors will be able to avoid technically difficult surgical interventions and to minimize postoperative complications, which will substantially improve the prognosis of the disease. Such operations should be performed by a surgeon having extensive surgical experience and high qualification.
The modern diagnostics of vasculogenic erectile dysfunction
01.01.2018 |
Kaprin A.
Kostin A.
Kulchenko N.
Samsonov Y.
Mangutov F.
Eremina I.
Zinchenko O.
Kulchenko A.
Medical News of North Caucasus |
0 |
© 2018 Stavropol State Medical University. All rights reserved. To improve the diagnostics of erectile dysfunction (ED) 138 men with the trouble of erection quality have been examined using ultrasound dopplerography of the penis and phalloscintigraphy. In 7.8 % of cases no pathology was found. In 28.1 % of patients arterial ED has been identified by phalloscintigraphy, in 23.4 % - venoocclusive ED and in 40.6 % - disruption of the microcirculation within the corpora cavernosa of the penis. Phalloscintigraphy demonstrated high sensitivity (91 %) and specificity (94 %) in identification of various forms of vasculogenic ED.
Изменения ультразвуковых параметров мезентериальных и шейных лимфатических узлов у детей с увеличением относительных размеров селезенки
Аминова А. И.
Недоступ А. В.
Несвижский Юрий Владимирович
Вопросы практической педиатрии |
Цель. Определить у детей в возрасте от 2 до 7 лет ультразвуковых
параметров лимфатических узлов, подверженных наибольшей антигенной
стимуляции (шейные, мезентериальные), и установить взаимосвязь этих
параметров с относительными размерами селезенки. Пациенты и методы.
Проведено открытое скрининговое поперечное одноцентровое исследование на
базе ФНЦ медико-профилактических технологий управления рисками здоровью
населения г. Перми. В исследование включено 133 ребенка (62 мальчика,
71 девочка) из дошкольных учреждений Пермского края в возрасте от 2 до 7
лет. В течение 2011-2013 гг. проведено анкетирование и интервьюирование
родителей респондентов с последующим анализом историй их развития, а
всем детям, включенным в исследование, выполнены стандартная клиническая
гемограмма, а также ультразвуковое исследование (УЗИ) селезенки с
вычислением коэффициента массы селезенки (КМС) по оригинальной формуле и
шейных и мезентериальных лимфатических узлов (ЛУ). В зависимости от
значения КМС дети были поделены на 2 группы: в основной (n = 46) КМС
превышал 4 ед. В группе сравнения (n = 87) этот показатель варьировал от
2,0 до 4,0 ед. Результаты. Дети из основной группы в 2,5 раза чаще (p
< 0,05) болели острыми респираторными вирусными инфекциями, которые
протекали с осложнениями у 27 (58,7%) детей со спленомегалией; в группе
сравнения их было 13 (15,3%, p < 0,01). У детей основной группы в 1,8
раз чаще диагностировали гипертрофию небных миндалин и/или аденоидов
2-3-й степени, они достоверно чаще болели пневмонией. Сравнительный
анализ ультразвуковых характеристик глубоких латеральных яремных ЛУ
показал статистически значимые различия (p < 0,05) по всем измеряемым
параметрам (длина, индекс округлости, толщина коркового слоя), за
исключением максимальной систолической скорости кровотока в артерии
узлов. Характеристики мезентериальных ЛУ (кроме их длины) в обеих
группах пациентов также имели статистически значимые различия.
Обнаружено, что у 43 (93,5%) детей из основной группы преобладали
цепочки или конгломераты (более 2 в ультразвуковом срезе) шейных ЛУ; в
группе сравнения - у 71 (81,6%). Множественные мезентериальные ЛУ
обнаружены в 39 (84,8%) и 64 (73,6%) случаях соответственно в группах.
Корреляционный анализ выявил достоверную (p < 0,05) прямую связь
между значениями КМС и толщиной коркового слоя у глубоких латеральных
яремных ЛУ шеи (r = 0,44). Выводы. У практически здоровых детей
дошкольного возраста с установленной при УЗИ относительной
спленомегалией изменения параметров ЛУ 2-3-го порядка могут отражать
процессы онтогенеза иммунной системы и свидетельствуют о повышенной
антигенной нагрузке. За детьми, значение КМС у которых превышает 4 ед,
рекомендуется динамическое наблюдение с обязательным исследованием
параметров мезентериальных и средних глубоких латеральных яремных ЛУ шеи.
Публикация |
Изменения ультразвуковых параметров мезентериальных и шейных лимфатических узлов у детей с увеличением относительных размеров селезенки
Аминова А. И. (Профессор)
Недоступ А. В. (Профессор)
Несвижский Юрий Владимирович (Профессор)
Вопросы практической педиатрии |
Цель. Определить у детей в возрасте от 2 до 7 лет ультразвуковых
параметров лимфатических узлов, подверженных наибольшей антигенной
стимуляции (шейные, мезентериальные), и установить взаимосвязь этих
параметров с относительными размерами селезенки. Пациенты и методы.
Проведено открытое скрининговое поперечное одноцентровое исследование на
базе ФНЦ медико-профилактических технологий управления рисками здоровью
населения г. Перми. В исследование включено 133 ребенка (62 мальчика,
71 девочка) из дошкольных учреждений Пермского края в возрасте от 2 до 7
лет. В течение 2011-2013 гг. проведено анкетирование и интервьюирование
родителей респондентов с последующим анализом историй их развития, а
всем детям, включенным в исследование, выполнены стандартная клиническая
гемограмма, а также ультразвуковое исследование (УЗИ) селезенки с
вычислением коэффициента массы селезенки (КМС) по оригинальной формуле и
шейных и мезентериальных лимфатических узлов (ЛУ). В зависимости от
значения КМС дети были поделены на 2 группы: в основной (n = 46) КМС
превышал 4 ед. В группе сравнения (n = 87) этот показатель варьировал от
2,0 до 4,0 ед. Результаты. Дети из основной группы в 2,5 раза чаще (p
< 0,05) болели острыми респираторными вирусными инфекциями, которые
протекали с осложнениями у 27 (58,7%) детей со спленомегалией; в группе
сравнения их было 13 (15,3%, p < 0,01). У детей основной группы в 1,8
раз чаще диагностировали гипертрофию небных миндалин и/или аденоидов
2-3-й степени, они достоверно чаще болели пневмонией. Сравнительный
анализ ультразвуковых характеристик глубоких латеральных яремных ЛУ
показал статистически значимые различия (p < 0,05) по всем измеряемым
параметрам (длина, индекс округлости, толщина коркового слоя), за
исключением максимальной систолической скорости кровотока в артерии
узлов. Характеристики мезентериальных ЛУ (кроме их длины) в обеих
группах пациентов также имели статистически значимые различия.
Обнаружено, что у 43 (93,5%) детей из основной группы преобладали
цепочки или конгломераты (более 2 в ультразвуковом срезе) шейных ЛУ; в
группе сравнения - у 71 (81,6%). Множественные мезентериальные ЛУ
обнаружены в 39 (84,8%) и 64 (73,6%) случаях соответственно в группах.
Корреляционный анализ выявил достоверную (p < 0,05) прямую связь
между значениями КМС и толщиной коркового слоя у глубоких латеральных
яремных ЛУ шеи (r = 0,44). Выводы. У практически здоровых детей
дошкольного возраста с установленной при УЗИ относительной
спленомегалией изменения параметров ЛУ 2-3-го порядка могут отражать
процессы онтогенеза иммунной системы и свидетельствуют о повышенной
антигенной нагрузке. За детьми, значение КМС у которых превышает 4 ед,
рекомендуется динамическое наблюдение с обязательным исследованием
параметров мезентериальных и средних глубоких латеральных яремных ЛУ шеи.
Публикация |