In November 2019, Dr Jeffrey Robens, Editorial Development Manager at Nature Research, conducted a 3-day workshop series at Sechenov University. This was made possible by the collaboration of Sechenov International Institute of Professional Development with the world’s leading science journal Nature. The workshops took place at the Sechenov Medical History Museum and at the Sechenov Institute of Urology and Reproductive Health.
In this interview, Dr Robens describes his experience with the researchers of Sechenov University and the Russian science community in general, shares his knowledge on how to produce more quality research papers and get them published. He also explains how a researcher should deal with the most common problems encountered when writing or submitting a paper to the journal: writer’s block, rejection from editors, peer review bias and blacklisting.
Main Topics:
1:14 First impression of the Russian scientific community
2:33 General rules for publishing a research paper
3:02 Issues with articles written by Russian scientists
3:59 How to handle rejection
4:45 How to assess the quality of a research article before submitting
6:55 Using lesser-known journals for a free peer review
7:35 Blacklisting
8:12 Do big names help to get your paper published?
9:25 Involuntary plagiarism
11:30 Editors’ bias
12:25 Two pieces of advice on selecting a journal for publication
13:20 Red flags: how to avoid predatory journals
14:26 Overcoming writer’s block
15:25 Conflict of interest
17:25 How to get published in international journals more often
Find out more about the workshop.